Chapter 23:Drugged (Part 2)

Xia Yu turned around and took three small white porcelain plates. He scooped out the mapo tofu in the pot and sprinkled it with green garlic. He gave the three women chopsticks and small spoons.

"This dish should be eaten while it's hot. 'Hot' is also one of its essence," Xia Yu said.

Rina found that she could not control her hands. She looked like she was struggling. Her pretty face was tangled in a ball, and her beautiful violet eyes had a sense of shame.

Finally, she picked up the small spoon that Xia Yu handed her. She slowly scooped up a few pieces of tofu on the plate in front of her.

When the cuisine went into her mouth, all the tangled and struggling feelings went away.

She tried desperately to suppress the moaning from deep inside, but the faint nasal sounds still leaked out. Rina's body was tight, then suddenly soft. The thighs that were covered in long black stockings could not stop wriggling. Her face was as red as an apple, which looked pretty.

"I… I want to eat!"

She held the countertop and scooped up the second spoon with trembling hands. After swallowing, her throat was hot and her whole body felt like it was like burning.

At this time, Rina's head was empty, and the 'Tongue of God' disappeared, as if it had gone on strike because of incredible food. This was the first time Rina did not taste food through her tongue. The cells in her body were like critics, but they were all cheering instead.

At this moment she felt that she was standing in the torrent of a waterfall.

The cascading waterfall water curtain was suspended above the head. The pouring water was not the clear water, but hot chili sesame oil.

The red oil poured on her fair skin. Her bones were numb, and there was a wonderful sense of soaking in the soul, which made her spit out a sultry heat.

"So delicious! This is not a dish, it is... Magic!"

In the real world, before her blurred and paralysed eyes collapsed, Rina said these words from the heart.

"Hey, please be careful."

The Tongue of God did not realize that she was standing, so she fell down.

Xia Yu's movements were swift, and most of his body protruded from the counter, holding Rina with his strong and powerful hands.

Lying in Xia Yu's arms, Rina still had a face of enjoyment, constantly exhaling heat. Her tempting red lips kept trembling.

"...Give me, I want, give me, I want..."

She repeated this all the time, which made Xia Yu very embarrassed.

Was the dose too high? This little girl was about to explode!

The above was just bullshit. Do not take it seriously. Xia Yu would like to give Rina a realistic look to prove his innocence.

I really did not drug you, Miss!

Such a beautiful blonde girl with an angelic appearance was lying in his arms, repeating words that were more attractive than the island's love action film in an unconsciously cute tone. 

Although Xia Yu thought he had very good self-control, he still could not help glancing at this beautiful girl a few more times.

The 2D was completely different from a living person. The two Chinese ladies were beautiful. But standing together with Rina, this was the gap between the reality and fantasy.

Only, the appearance of the angel in 2D was indeed very lethal.

However, Xia Yu's immunity was surprisingly high. He pressed Rina into a chair without expression, walking out from behind the counter.

The performance of the two Chinese ladies were not much better than Rina. The white rice was completely wasted. They buried their heads in the plate in front of them and swallowed a bite of tofu from time to time.

"Did you wake up?"

Standing in front of Rina, he found that her eyes were clear. Xia Yu picked up the porcelain spoon she had just used. Unexpectedly, a fiery palm clasped him tightly and grabbed his hand.

"You, you can't take it away..."

She stared at the mixed red and white dishes on the dinner plate. She slightly elongated her white neck and swallowed the saliva secreted in her mouth.

"Take it away? I'm helping you!"

Xia Yu couldn't help crying and laughing at the same time. He was too lazy to explain to the unconscious young lady, so he scooped up a full spoonful of tofu and reached out to her mouth.

"Open up."

Rina did it subconsciously. The white porcelain spoon suddenly disappeared in her attractive red lips.

After the spoon was pulled out again, the tofu dish on it was gone.

She chewed carefully.

This time, Rina did not swallow the food like before. Instead, she tasted it in her mouth and even deliberately used her tongue to analyse the composition of this 'magic' dish. It was a pity that her head was still blank, and the Tongue of God had not restored the cooking steps of this dish, nor could she find a defect.

"Ah–" Xia Yu scooped up the fourth spoon of tofu.

Rina stared at him in shame, but her body was very obedient. And under his coaxing tone, she opened her mouth obediently.

He had to say that it was a great pleasure to feed such a beautiful girl and observe her expression, especially when the food was cooked by himself.

However, after finishing one plate, when he gave the second set of Magic Mapo Tofu to Rina and the two Chinese girls, Rina's face was flushed. She stared warningly at him and refused Xia Yu's approach. She took a spoon and chewed slowly.

He shrugged. Rina 's IQ was back to the normal line, which meant the welfare time was over.

Xia Yu was also quite hungry. He was at a rapidly growing age. It was not enough to eat a bowl of tofu flower in the morning, and he was a foodie. So, he brought a bowl of rice and a plate of Magic Mapo Tofu for himself. He found a good place in the restaurant and sat down to enjoy the food.

Actually, during his first time tasting the Magic Mapo Tofu, his performance was even worse. He was crying and laughing in the kitchen alone late at night. Fortunately, the old man was not there that night, otherwise he would be unable to explain.

He had eaten too much of his own food, so he would inevitably have immunity. Xia Yu chewed on the rice with a big mouth. With just a small mouthful of mapo tofu, he could eat half a bowl of rice.

Moreover, he also served himself a can of carbonated soft drink. The more he ate and drank, the more energetic he got.

There was a sound of a car engine outside the door, and the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open by a girl with purple hair who was holding an umbrella.

"Miss Rina!"

The girl with purple hair glanced around the narrow storefront and saw Rina's back. Her eyes brightened immediately, and she put the wet umbrella away, walking over. Her head bowed and said, "Sorry, Miss Rina, I'm late!"

But Rina's back faced the door, and she did not respond at all.

Hisako was confused and tried to call her a few more times. She then walked around to the front and covered her mouth with a shout.

Rina's appearance was like a high fever patient. Blushing cheeks, her golden hair in disarray. Her hair was soaked in sweat, attaching itself to her forehead and cheeks.

What made Hisako shy was that Rina not only took off her dark uniform coat, but only wore a white shirt. Her tie was pulled down. The top few buttons had been unbuttoned, revealing a large-scale spherical object.

"Miss Rina!" Hisako shook Rina's shoulders, and the Tongue of God suddenly woke up.


After seeing who it was, the color of alert in her eyes faded.

"You still have a scheduled appointment in the afternoon. It's not too late." Hisako whispered, "If Miss Rina feels uncomfortable, we can postpone the appointment or decline it."

"Then decline it," Rina said casually.

"Are you going home now?"


This time, she hesitated for a while before answering.