Chapter 27:The Use of One Million

Turning back to the ingredients section, Xia Yu found that with IGO online, he could buy whatever he wanted.

In Tokyo, the average delivery time was 2 hours.

Even local specialty stores in Osaka and Hokkaido, which sold special flavor food ingredients, could deliver them to your home through special express channels the next day.

Of course, there were extra shipping fees for urgency. Xia Yu seriously suspected that IGO had built a global food logistics network. Japanese Black Cat Delivery seemed to only serve ordinary people. IGO's chefs obviously had other channels.

IGO online made Xia Yu's view of Tokyo and even the world shake at once.

He knew that the world was not as simple as it seemed.

However, he did not expect that IGO, a high-energy international food organization, had appeared in the world.

Wasn't that to say that there may be a real chef god in the world who could use legendary ingredients to cook incredible dishes that could enhance the activity of human cells, made life evolve and prolong life span?

Moreover, IGO appeared, so the rival of this international organization, the powerful dark power 'Gourmet', may also exist.

There were all kinds of food hunters.

Could we say that there was an unknown food industry besides the normal world?

Thinking of that, Xia Yu could no longer calm down. He could not help asking Shinhara, "Mr. Shinhara, have you ever been to the Gourmet World?"

Who knew that after this question, it caused the middle-aged man to look at him like he was looking at an idiot.

"Do you really believe in those fables? The God of Food does exist. His disciples established the international food organization. However, after the end of World War II, the God of Food disappeared. Many people said that the God of Food actually broke the void and went to another vast food world. But according to IGO's internal information, the God of Food actually lives in a corner of the world and enjoys his old age."

"Who is the current president of IGO?" Xia Yu asked.

"A guy who is good at cooking with all kinds of spirits. He's not old. You will see him." Shinhara chuckled.

"Then Mr. Shinhara, is there anything beyond human common sense in this world? For example, chefs being good at martial arts, having powerful fighting power, demons in their bodies, being able to knock down an armored tank with one blow..."


After his question, there was a long period of silence from Shinhara.

"You've got a big brain hole, young man. The world is not as exaggerated as you think. There are always things that science cannot explain. But it is certainly not as you think." Shinhara held his forehead. The corner of his mouth was twitching.

Xia Yu reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the high-energy force system of 'Captive of Gourmet' had not been transplanted. Otherwise, chefs could do martial arts. Who could stop them? If it was like this, he could understand why IGO was not as powerful as the original novel in this world.

Without superhuman power, food hunters could not fight against the armies of other countries.

The IGO in the world was just another form of the United Nations, which had become a place of political struggle among great powers.

There was something else hidden in Shinhara's original words that he could hear, so Xia Yu was not actually at ease.


His ridiculous thoughts had stopped. Despite the flood, the restaurant must be operated. He could not lose the bet to the little girl Rina.

"Is this my old man's bank card?"

Xia Yu glanced at the last object in the metal suitcase. He took it and flipped it over to see.


"Only a million yen in the card!"

With a pair of 'I sympathize with you' eyes, Shinhara looked at Xia Yu, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "This is the order of your old man. It has been bound to your IGO account. Work hard. If you have something to ask, you can call my personal phone number..."

The middle-aged man dressed as a detective left his phone number and waved as he walked away.

A million yen!

What the h*ll!

Xia Yu was holding the bank card. He cried without tears.

This amount was about 60,000 yuan.

He carefully calculated in his heart. His own store did not need rent. He was the only worker with no expensive salary. First of all, he had saved a lot of money on the operation cost of the small restaurant.

In IGO's online food stores, there were a large number of [Tokyo Seafood and Aquatic Products]. 

A large fresh salmon, at the price of 4000 yen, was much higher than the price of the ordinary seafood market.

The processed mentaiko, that is, the roe of the finfish, had been pickled with chilli and spices. It was a semi-finished food ingredient. Each small box was 2000 yuan.

Xia's restaurant mainly engaged in Chinese cuisine and could not use expensive aquatic seafood for now. Xia Yu looked for a long time in the app store before he saw a food ingredient shop that was mainly engaged in freshwater fish called Aohara Fish Market.

Because of the sea and abundant aquatic products, the Japanese seldom ate freshwater fish.

Of course, this was also related to Japanese living habits. The muddy taste of river fish was too heavy, and it was unpalatable if it was not properly cooked. The freshwater fish that the Japanese ate most was carp. 

However, it was not the carp raised in the pond for aesthetic purposes, but the carp raised in the spring water deep in the mountain. It was directly used as sashimi. It was fresh and fat, and the price was far higher than many sea fish.

Xia Yu was afraid that he could not find a freshwater fish's food store online. After all, there were many Chinese dishes that needed to use freshwater fish.

For example, the 'squirrel-shipped bass' cooked for the two Chinese female tourists last night could not be made without freshwater fish ingredients.

"The old man has been using IGO store to buy food materials, right?"

Another doubt in his heart was finally solved.

Over the years, when he came back from school in the evening, the kitchen was always full of all kinds of fresh ingredients, but Xia Yu never met the supplier who delivered them to this restaurant. The old man must have deliberately let IGO's delivery personnel stagger the time to avoid him who was not part of the world at that time.

It could be a form of protection.

After all, Xia Yu, the original chef, never showed his talent. But in the recent week, Xia Yu used his actions and achievements to make the old man change his mind.

Buy whatever he wanted!

First, he arranged the menu for the next week. Since there was a ready-made IGO food store which was convenient and fast, and the quality of the food was very high, he was too lazy to care about the price.

He was the chef and the restaurant manager. If he did not use the best ingredients to reduce the operating cost, in Xia Yu's opinion, it was a sign of self-harm!

It was better to raise the price of each dish in the menu rather than to use the ingredients that reduced the quality of the dish.

Didn't you see that 'Misty House' of Inui Hinako and restaurants opened by the graduates of Togetsu buy food ingredients in the IGO market? As a business operator and chef with pursuit, he had to sacrifice his capital. This was also being responsible for his culinary arts and guests.

He bought the ingredients for three days at a time. The refrigerator in the restaurant was not big enough. Otherwise, Xia Yu would buy all the ingredients he used for a week and store them.

"Your account balance is..."

In a flash, his card lost dozens of yen, and Xia Yu could not help looking up at the sky with tears.

Could one million last until April? 

Perhaps not!

At the moment, Xia Yu's mind was full of thoughts on how to maximize the use of this capital to earn his first bucket of gold so that the restaurant could continue to operate.

These ideas were summed up to one thing: the use of one million yen.

If the capital was used up and the business situation of the restaurant was not getting better, his bet with Rina would surely be lost.