Chapter 35 Tea Art

An Yilun was very distressed.

As a serious otaku and consumerism dolphin, he was not like other otakus who stayed at home throughout the holiday.

In fact, today, he put off his holiday part-time job and stood almost an entire morning from Akihabara to Ueno Station.

An Yilun listened to a Chinese woman speak to the crowd in English. Although An Yilun had mediocre grades in school, he understood it anyway. The Chinese restaurant in front of him normally opened at 6 pm!

"It's all because of Ying Lili..."

He lowered his head slightly and pushed up his black spectacle frames. Even though he was awkward emotionally, his eyes showed a trace of annoyance.

"Are you here yet?" He took out his phone and sent a text message.

Ding, ding. There was a reply immediately from the other side. "Sorry, I just finished a fan draft and am taking the train."


An Yilun let out a long sigh. He also couldn't do much about his childhood sweetheart with double blonde ponytails.

In fact, the two rarely communicated seven years ago. From elementary school, junior high school, to Toyonosaki High School, they met at the school as if they were strangers. The most common thing they did was nodding to say hi.

However, the relationship between the two had been recovering in a good direction. Five years ago, they began to greet with short sentences. They borrowed animation and games from each other before high school. An Yilun also felt sorry for losing a sincere friend, so he worked hard to save their friendship.

It was quite strange that the childhood friend who also stayed home all the time suddenly contacted him by email last night and asked him to eat Chinese food in the old shopping street near Ueno Station.

An Yilun had no idea why and he thought about his part-time job. At the beginning, he intended to refuse. But recently, a gradually forming game enterprise plan in his heart made it so that he could not refuse the invitation of his 'childhood sweetheart'.

After all, among the peers he knew, the blonde double ponytail girl was a powerful painter. And she also had another hidden identity. The peers called her 'Kashiki Hideyoshi-sensei'.

Game enterprise planning required an artist. An Yilun also desperately wanted to reconcile the relationship between the two, as he always did, so he put off his part-time job of the day and came by tram from home. Who knew that he wasted a whole morning!

An Yilun lifted his head and he found that the crowd had scattered. Including him, only six people chose to wait. 

There were three young girls who accompanied each other. They were youthful, probably from Year 7 to Year 10 in high school. 

The other two was a young couple wearing masks and they looked mysterious.

The beautiful Chinese big sister continued to take care of the guests in English and welcomed them into the store. 


When An Yilun entered the store, he was also surprised to find that the environment was quite elegant. It was different from the Japanese style. It was full of a classic Chinese atmosphere. He found himself a place to sit alone. 

After the young couple sat down, they carefully looked around and took off their masks. An Yilun also glanced over. He faintly felt that the couple was a little familiar, but for a moment, he could not remember who they were. 

He often visited NicoNico, but his interest was focused on animation and games, and he rarely went to the dance and music area. Otherwise, he would definitely recognize Ren Xue and Mizutani Shun.

As for the three girls... 

An Yilun used his observation skills. Two of them had been chatting excitedly since they entered the store. One of them kept her head low, and her beautiful face looked uneasy. 

Let's move away the topic of guests in the store. 

Xia Yu came out after showering. Mu Xiaoyue aggressively blocked him in front of the door. 

"Have you planned to run this store well?" Mu Xiaoyue grinded her teeth. 

From Xia Yu's mouth, she knew that at present Xia Yu was the only one who took care of the restaurant, and he was the manager as well as the chef. The only other family member had returned to China in a hurry. Mu Xiaoyue sent her sincere concerns because her stomach was captured. 

"What do you think?" Xia Yu was speechless. 

"So, what is your service attitude!" Mu Xiaoyue was annoyed. "In the IGO restaurant rating assessment, service is also a key scoring term... Are you going to make the restaurant forever one star?" 

"How can it be!" 

"So why don't you go and take care of your guests well?" Mu Xiaoyue glared at him. 

Xia Yu didn't care about Mu Xiaoyue's bossy attitude. On the contrary, he felt a warm flow in his heart.

The manager and the chef should do what they are supposed to do. Taking care of the guests and such should be left to the waiter. However, the shop had no employees. Xia Yu tilted his head slightly and looked at the pretty young Chinese sister in front of him. With a smile on his lips, he said, "I plan to hire you and Sister An Ya with a dish!"

"Huh?" Mu Xiaoyue was shocked.

Xia Yu didn't give Mu Xiaoyue a chance to get angry. He immediately said, "It's the same kind of glowing dish as last time. It is not Magic Mapo Tofu, but another vegetarian dish."

Xia Yu didn't know why but seeing a large wave of guests suddenly coming today, he was aware that the system's [First Exposure] mission would be completed within these two days.

The task required him to take care of 30 guests within seven days and received good comments from the guests. In other words, the cuisine must satisfy the guests.

So, he would get the blue recipe 'Fried Bok Choy' as a mission reward.

When Mu Xiaoyue heard it, her eyes suddenly brightened.

"But… We will return to China in a few days, and the flight has been booked..." Mu Xiaoyue's tone was yearning.

"It's okay. Help me work first. I will hire one or two waiters as soon as possible these days. You can visit Tokyo during the day. It won't affect your trip. Just come on time at six o'clock in the evening and get off work at twelve." Xia Yu smiled with his hands in the pockets. 

"What do you think? The glowing dishes are VIP delicacies. If a VIP dining area is opened in the future, such dishes will probably cost 100,000 yen per plate." 

"No problem!" Mu Xiaoyue nodded without thinking. She was full of excitement and expectation in her heart. A dish of 100,000 yen was a big deal! 

Mu Xiaoyue, who had eaten the Magic Mapo Tofu once, thought the price was very, very reasonable. 

"Well, make tea for the waiting guests." 

Xia Yu told Mu Xiaoyue to follow him into the kitchen. 

Mu Xiaoyue saw that he scooped up water from an old antique water tank and filled two metal jugs and placed it on a gas stove to boil. 

"Don't you use pure water or tap water?" She blinked. 

Japanese tap water, also known as waterway water, belonged to the direct drinking grade. Some large attractions and supermarkets also provided free ice-cold tap water, which could be called good service. 

"The water for making tea is particularly important. Although the water in Japan is drinking grade, it cannot be compared with some mountain springs, at least in terms of making tea."

Xia Yu answered slowly. While waiting, both pots of water boiled. He opened the pot to let the steam escape, and then took out the tea set from the cupboard and asked Mu Xiaoyue to wash together. 

Japanese mainly drank green tea, so he took out a bag of green tea. The temperature of the water in the pot had dropped to 70-80℃. This water temperature was the best used for simmering tea. Boiling water would destroy the taste of green tea. 

Mu Xiaoyue watched quietly. She felt astonished seeing his clever tea-making technique. 

Tea art! 

How can this kid understand everything? It was really bad to compare yourself to others!