Chapter 37:Maki Morita(1)

One afternoon was not too long.

In the information age, with a mobile phone, time always passed quietly while browsing the internet and tweeting.

At six o'clock in the evening, when the orange sunset sprinkled from the door into the storefront, there was also movement in the back kitchen.

At the command of Xia Yu, Mu Xiaoyue hung up the menu plates for the six dishes on the wall. An Ya stood at the counter and took out notepaper and a pen, preparing to record the guests' orders.

"Sure enough, no dish is lower than 2,000 yen!"

"Vegetables average 2,500 yen while meat dishes average 3,500 yen!"

An Yilun also stood in front of the menu bar with Ying Lili.

Ying Lili had a very relaxed expression, which was not faked. As the daughter of a British diplomat, she had eaten countless valuable dishes, and she was even a frequent guest of many high-end restaurants of Togetsu.

She has also eaten the dishes prepared by Rina, which were still memorable. Ying Lili glanced at An Yilun and knew that this guy worked hard to save money. Also, as a consumer dolphin, he was not well off, so she said naturally, "Since I invited you, I will pay for it."

An Yilun gritted his teeth, insisting on the split system. "We order two dishes each!"


Ying Lili curled her mouth. She was proud, so she did not persuade him too much. She turned back to An Ya behind the counter. "I want this, and this!"

An Ya could not understand Japanese but could distinguish gestures.

In fact, Ren Xue and Mizutani ordered the meal before them, so Ying Lili knew that the language was not available. She just used gestures.

An Yilun then said, "I want these two!"

An Ya recorded carefully.

The three girls were the slowest and were standing in front of the menu bar chattering. There was no solid decision for a long time.

The two dishes ordered had been sent to the kitchen by Mu Xiaoyue. Then, Mu Xiaoyue stood at the door of the kitchen. She was excited and stared at Xia Yu.

First was to cut the vegetables.

Xia Yu did not take out the 'jade knife' for home-made dishes. He only used an ordinary kitchen knife and a portion of the ingredients were transformed in his hands. The pieces and strips were cut like they were calculated by a rigorous computer, and there was no difference in size and shape.

Dong! Dong!

Two big woks were put on the stove with strong flame, and the cooking oil was poured in. The sound of oil boiling was heard in the kitchen.

It was a coincidence that one of the guests ordered the squirrel-shaped bass that he was very good at. This was a Su dish. The boneless fish and meat slices that he had treated were pickled at the earliest time. At this time, the oil time in the hot pot was just right, and they were pinched very well.

A fish quickly turned golden in the hot oil.

At the same time as frying the fish, Xia Yu was still operating the other big frying pan which also had the processed ingredients. A whole basket of prawns was dumped into the pan by him. He just fried it for 5 seconds, and the prawns were picked up by him with a leaky spoon, controlled by the oil and was ready for serving.

At this time, the squirrel-shaped bass was still frying, and the heat was far from good, so Xia Yu poured the peanut oil that had just fried the shrimp into the prepared pot, and then put the quick fried shrimp into the frying pan. He added various seasonings and started to stir and fry on top.

Mu Xiaoyue was stunned.

She was obsessed with the skill of cutting vegetables and cooking.

Especially when stirring and frying prawns in the top pot. The heavy black wok seemed to weigh a lot, but the young chef kept rolling, stirring, and frying with the wok. He did not look like he was struggling. 

She did not know that Xia Yu had made a leap forward in body and soul today.

Su cuisine of braised prawns was the first to be served.

The second dish was the squirrel-shaped bass of the same cuisine.

And the third was Lu cuisine, steamed tofu stuffed with seafood and vegetables.

When Xia Yu ordered her to open the third stove and bring out a dish, Mu Xiaoyue was shocked to find that the young chef was operating on the third line!

These three dishes were Ren Xue and Mizutani's. They were the first to order, and naturally they were the first to eat fresh dishes out of the pot.

"Serve them."

Xia Yu continued to cook while Mu Xiaoyue was serving.

Three dishes were put on the table. This time, Ren Xue and Mizutani enjoyed it while they were watched by other people.

The smell was too strong.

Fresh shrimp, fried fish, steamed tofu with squid.

The three distinct flavours were sent out in the restaurant.

The three girls who had not decided what to order yet salivated on the spot.

Ren Xue and Mizutani had not yet waited for Mu Xiaoyue to get the rice. They could not wait to pick up the chopsticks. Moreover, the frequency of chopsticks as they ate the vegetables was staggering. After a taste, there was a trend of twists and turns.

"It seems to be the right decision to come!" Ying Lili was very happy. If the food in the restaurant was delicious enough, she could find a reason to satirize the noble lady Rina.

As for An Yilun, he had been stimulated by the smell of cooking, which made his stomach acid secrete rapidly. He put down his head and constantly pushed his spectacle frames.

It turned out that Xia Yu's devil training in the Chef God Space had achieved remarkable results. This time, it took just one hour for him to make the three table guests' orders. At the same time of high efficiency, he also took into account the quality. For each dish, he let the Chef God System score it. Only after it was judged to be qualified did he order Mu Xiaoyue to take it out.


Before eating, Ying Lili took out her mobile phone. She changed a few different angles, aimed at the beautiful dishes, and took a lot of pictures.

She neglected her 'childhood sweetheart'.

An Yilun also tightly held his chopsticks. His adam's apple rolled. The face under the big black spectacle frames was a little black.

Soon, the dishes ordered by the three little girls were also on the table. The restaurant was silent for a while. Only the sounds of chopsticks touching the plates were heard.

After cleaning all kinds of kitchenware in the kitchen and throwing away the useless raw materials and leftovers, Xia Yu did not have time to breathe. Today, the second wave of guests arrived, and the restaurant, which had been empty for a long time, was half full soon after it opened at six o'clock.

Diners came and went from six o'clock to midnight. No matter how many batches of guests changed, no one was lucky to see Xia Yu who was always busy in the kitchen.

Late at night.

Xia Yu walked out of the kitchen and went to the counter for rest.


He found that a guest had not left. Ren Xue and Mizutani had gone, but in addition to An Ya and Mu Xiaoyue, there was also a single girl standing at the door with long black hair back to him.

"The restaurant is closed."

Xia Yu smiled and glanced at the antique wall clock in the restaurant. It was a moment before 12 am. "The station is very close. You can go back and probably catch the last bus."

Heard words, the girl turned around.

"Maki Morita?" Xia Yu fixed his eyes on the girl's face and slightly restrained his smile. "Why are you here?"

"I tasted delicious Chinese food tonight, so I stayed here specially to have a look at the chef..."