Chapter 49:The Best Unlit Dish

A bowl of overnight rice was an essential ingredient for fried rice.

The reason was that the moisture in the overnight meal had been volatile and the rice grains had become hard. It was easier to disperse the grains while frying, rather than kneading the paste into a ball, where it would be difficult to control the heat and seasoning.

Xia Yu randomly pulled out a Chinese-styled square kitchen knife from the knife holder.

There was no need to take the [Jade Knife] out when dealing with vegetables. This knife was used to process meat ingredients. It was a waste if it was used to cut vegetables.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

The kitchen counter chopping board immediately made a pleasant and rhythmic percussion.

Miyoko Hojo was cutting a pineapple. She cut a large pineapple flat and only used half of it. The other half was set aside without shaving it. She used a long and sharp kitchen knife to cut the surface of pulp.

Well, the shadow of the knife crisscrossed, but after more than ten seconds, the whole pineapple meat became diced to equal size. She placed it on a plate.

Next was to cut ham. Miyoko Hojo was at ease. Besides cutting vegetables, she did not forget to glance at Xia Yu next to her.

She showed an amazed expression on her face.

Xia Yu's knife skill was too simple. It was hard to say that it was perfunctory. He was cutting the spinach and cabbage into sections.

However, Miyoko Hojo's pupils shrank quickly.

Xia Yu's cutting speed was getting faster and faster. The whole hand was only left with residual shadows. He specially picked out the spinach stalk and focused on cutting the stalk. The shadow of the knife fell like a shower. It looked like a rush. Every time he wielded the knife, it was very accurate. Not only was the frequency of the knife stable, but the place where he wielded the knife was concentrated in one place.

It was like going back and forth, chopping at a hair. 

She was astounded.

Miyoko Hojo wiped her eyes, and then when she saw his hand holding the spinach stalk on the chopping board, she had cold sweat.

As long as the rhythm of cutting was a little messy, his fingers would be cut by knife. Moreover, looking at the speed of cutting and the sharpness of the knife, it was not just as simple as cutting his fingers.

What was ignorance? Miyoko Hojo suddenly thought of her father.

Her father was the head chef of the Hojo restaurant, and he was so free like Xia Yu when he was cooking.

Terrific basic skills!

And experience as a head chef!

In a few seconds, the shadow of the knife disappeared, and the sense of oppression in the heart of Miyoko Hojo disappeared quietly.

Chopped spinach stalks were on the chopping board, as if they were put into a blender.

What was he doing?

There was a lot of curiosity in Miyoko Hojo's eyes.

Fried rice… Cutting the vegetables so finely, did he want to dye all the rice green? Miyoko Hojo immediately understood the meaning of smashing spinach. But was the fried rice made this way delicious?

She shook her head.

Thinking of a dish full of green fried rice in front of herself. Miyoko Hojo could not move her chopsticks and had no appetite at all.

No eggs, no hams, no sauce. This purely vegetarian fried rice would not taste good without those ingredients, would it?

"You chose the wrong dish."

"My fried rice with pineapple and curry can crush you in taste!"

Looking back at the ingredients in front of the kitchen counter…

Eggs, pineapple, ham, and a solid curry. Miyoko Hojo swept away her confusion and recovered to her strength.

"The winner is me!"

Igniting the fire, she poured the oil and put the eggs into the pot. The spatula looked like a sharp battlefield weapon in the hands of Miyoko Hojo. The eggs were broken and quickly turned golden. Next, she added the ham and stirred.

Miyoko Hojo felt the scorching temperature of the stove at a close distance, slightly enjoying the light with eyes closed.

At this time, she was the master of fire!

This week, regardless of Xia Yu's cooking level upgrading from LV.10 to LV.11, he spent most of his time in the Chef God Space studying new recipes day and night, practicing basic skills at the same time.

The basic skill talents of 'knife skills' and 'fire control' were full, reaching a full 10 points.

Next, there was the basic skills advanced branch tree.

For example, if he became two-star chef, he could master the advanced knife skill of 'Raptor Bull and Blue Dragon Slash' and continue to allocate talents to it.

There was also the advanced skill of 'fire control'. If it were not for using fame points to practice in Chef God Space, Xia Yu would have exchanged an advanced skill book of fire control for study two days ago.

Xia Yu was making a mixed vegetable fried rice.

In the original story of Little Chinese Master Chef, there was the name of 'Comet Fried Rice'.

Of course, he did not have any extra fame points to buy the recipe of 'Comet Fried Rice' in the Chef God System shop.

So, what he cooked was actually an unlit version.

There was always a question in Xia Yu's heart this week.

If he didn't learn a blue recipe, could he make a glowing dish?

Comet Fried Rice was his experimental project. Of course, the experiment failed. Until he left the Chef God Space to sleep last night, Xia Yu did not make a real glowing dish even if the finished product got 90 points in the system.

However, through long-term trial and research, Comet Fried Rice had become the most powerful dish under Xia Yu's control and was the 'base cards' and 'killing move' of glowing dishes.

Xia Yu had given Miyoko Hojo enough respect.

It was not good to break Miyoko Hojo's heart too hard if he took out the glowing dish.

Anyway, the Comet Fried Rice was enough to deal with this Food War.

After cutting vegetables, the next step was to boil and blanch.

He put a little oil and salt into the pot filled with water and prepared half of a small basin of ice water beside it. Xia Yu filled a spoon with the sliced spinach and cabbage, put them into hot water and blanched them for about half a minute, then quickly fished them out and put them into the ice basin to cool down.

This was the key step. Cooling it with ice water could lock in the juice and the taste of the vegetables so that the vegetables fished out the boiled water could not be further steamed and scalded to become scorched yellow.

After controlling water, the next step was stirring and frying the vegetables!

He heated the oil in a hot pot, stirred and fried half of the scallion, and then added a large bowl of overnight rice. He used the spatula to stir and fry the rice until it was broken and scattered and turned it into grains.

The next step was to add chopped spinach powder and stir it evenly. At this time, the spinach stem powder and rice were fully mixed. The cooking in the pot showed a light green color.

Salt, shrimp powder, mushroom powder…

Because two big frying pans were on the same stove, Miyoko Hojo was only half a step away from Xia Yu. If the action of flipping were a little bigger, the two people would bump their elbows.

She glanced at the past, and saw Xia Yu throwing a relish of seasoning into the pot. Her face, which did not mind previously, suddenly changed.

When the spatula turned over, the condiment was mixed in the fried rice, which seemed to complete the magic practice. The whole pot of green food exuded a tantalizing fragrance.

With just a slight inhalation, Miyoko Hojo's eyes showed an incredulous expression.

Her body was light.

There was a warm breath in her chest.