Chapter 52:Daily Life of the Restaurant(1)

An unofficial Food War without assessors happened and ended quietly. 

In fact, countless Food Wars happened every day in gourmet world. This private Food War in Xia's Chinese restaurant was unknown except for a few people who were privy. 

"Waiter, I'd like a tea and pastry set meal!" 

"Me too..." 

"There's no tea. Waiter, add tea!"

After nine o'clock in the morning, there were a group of people who liked green tea and dim sum in the restaurant.

An Ya, Mu Xiaoyue and Maki Morita were busy at the front desk while Xiayu and Miyoko Hojo were in the back kitchen and chatted.

At noon, Xia Yu saw off the last table of guests. Then, he cooked a farewell banquet at a large table to entertain An Ya and Mu Xiaoyue so that they could stuff themselves.

Standing at the door of the restaurant, he saw the two Chinese girls drag their suitcases and walk away. Their flight was at two o'clock in the afternoon. This time, their schedule was a little rushed, so there was no unnecessary talk.

Anyway, they had added each other's Weibo and WeChat, so they could communicate on the Internet at any time.

At the thought of Mu Xiaoyue thumping her chest and promising him that she would write the second food travel book to publicize Xia's restaurant after returning home, Xia Yu could not help laughing.

Back at the restaurant.

Morita was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks while Miyoko was sitting on a mahogany chair with her head bowed down and a shocked expression on her face.

Just now, Xia Yu had been begged by An Ya and Mu Xiaoyue to show his culinary skills and make a glowing Hibiscus Crab Egg. So, this dish was first made and subsequently eaten. 

After eating the glowing dish, Miyoko Hojo was shocked.

As soon as he was about to turn around and enter the restaurant, a sound of car engine stopped behind him.

It was a delivery truck.


The front passenger's door opened, and a young man in a suit jumped out of the car. He directed several strong men in black who came with the truck. Holding a ball point pen, he scratched on the document list.

Baskets of vegetables, aquatic products and colorful food ingredients were packed well. They were moved orderly into the backyard of Xia's restaurant by the strong men.

"Mr. Xia Yu, this is today's table of ingredients. Would you like to see if there is anything missing?"

The young man talked to Xia Yu politely.

On the chest of the youth's suit, there was a small and exquisite dark gold pin with three letters of 'IGO' shining under the sun. 

"Just call me Yu." Xia Yu signed the form.

The IGO's staff, Ansuke Kyosuke, said, "No, you are a chef. No matter how old you are, we should keep the most basic manners."

Xia Yu shrugged.

These days, he often ordered food ingredients from the IGO food shop. With the business situation of the restaurant getting better, Xia Yu was willing to pay more for food ingredients.

This was the reason why the restaurant quickly established its reputation in the ACG circle. On the one hand, it was because of his culinary skills. On the other hand, the factor of ingredients could not be ignored.

He used ingredients that were highly praised by the IGO stores. How could the taste of the products be bad?

Ansuke Kyosuke was responsible for delivering food ingredients in the Taidong district. Xia Yu was familiar with him.

During the chat, several strong men in black came out very quickly. Ansuke Kyosuke took the folder and waved to Xia Yu before getting on the truck.

Then the pickup truck and a black van left quickly.

When he returned to the restaurant, he counted the ingredients stacked in the yard against the list. Xia Yu called the strong Miyoko Hojo and asked her to put the aquatic products and meat into the refrigerator first.

"Wow. So many ingredients. How many days are you going to store them for?" Miyoko Hojo expressed her doubts.

"How many days? It's good to use for one day! "

Xia Yu knew about Miyoko Hojo. He laughed and shook his head. Despite the small size of Xia's restaurant, the diner volume was terrifying. The daily consumption of ingredients was several times that of ordinary restaurants.

"You'll know when we open at six."

Without much explanation, Xia Yu and Miyoko Hojo simply handled the ingredients together.

They cut and stored the meat and bones.

The freshwater fish were still alive and kicking. 

When he got the well water, he threw them into the reservoir and turned on the oxygen machine to keep them alive.

Putting the vegetables into the cool place in the stairwell first, he paid attention to the watering and storage, and then put them into the refrigerator after treatment.

After the routine work every day, it was more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Miyoko Hojo wiped the sweat on her forehead and left the backyard. She was shocked by the dark crowd at the door of the restaurant.

There were at least a hundred people in the long line extending from the restaurant.

These days, Xia Yu had experienced a lot. From 12:00 to 6:00pm, the small restaurant would not sell tea and pastry packages. Otherwise, the crowd would keep filling the restaurant until midnight.


In only one day, Xia Yu called Miyoko's name. Miyoko also folded her paws in front of him and became humble and obedient.

A chef's world was just so simple. The strong was respected. In Togetsu Academy, which was known as the 'Chef's Hell', Miyoko Hojo could understand this cruel competition law in both her study and life better.

"The kitchen is boiling soup. Please watch it. I'll go out for a walk." Xia Yu untied his apron. The apron was stained with the blood. It came from when he dealt with the ingredients.

"Okay!" Miyoko Hojo replied. She immediately went into the kitchen.


Xia Yu was satisfied with this kitchen hand.

Her body was stronger than a man and her personality was like a man as well. She was stoic and had a strong heart. Xia Yu did not need to worry at all.

And the direction of her specialization was Chinese cuisine.

She was like a heavenly assistant!

Usually, at this time of day, Xia Yu was preparing all the ingredients in the kitchen. He could not rest for a second. Now that he had a kitchen hand, he wanted some quiet in the afternoon. 

He could be a quiet and reserved man, strolling around the old shopping street.

So, he went out and enjoyed the attention of the queuing crowd.

After he took off his apron and chef's clothes, he was dressed in simple and casual home clothes. Although his temperament was far more mature than his peers, a young face could not deceive people. 

The crowd thought that he was a part-time employee of the restaurant. 

There were also diners who came here to greet him. "Excuse me, is it open today?" One of the girls leaned over and asked him with sparkling eyes. 

The girl wore beautiful contacts, and her big eyes flashed. Xia Yu scratched the side of his face. To avoid being surrounded, he did not expose his identity of the chef. "Yes, you can enter the restaurant at six o'clock to order food."


Knowing that he was a staff member of the restaurant, several girls immediately gathered around and chirped.

"What's the menu today?"

"Oh, do you still have that candied sweet potato the other day? I really want to have another meal. I came here by train before the exhibition ended!"

"What candied sweet potato do you want? I want to eat fish! A big pot of boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili is enough for me!"

It was not just these female cosplayers. The people in the line were also listening.

"The menu is a secret!"

Xia Yu did not answer. He squeezed out of the crowd and left.