Chapter 56 Special Threshold

Late at night, the noisy shop gradually returned to quietness. 

Xia Yu, who was busy overnight, came back from outside the store whilst stretching. He just sent An Yilun and Yinglili away. The three added each other's Twitter and private email addresses. Xia Yu even gave his phone number to them and had a lively chat with them. Fortunately, the shopping street was relatively close to the train stop. The two could catch the last train home. 

Under the streetlight, Miyoko Hojo was still wearing a white chef's uniform. Her purple hair looked as if she had vigorously exercised. It was mixed with sweat and stuck to her cheek. 

The back-kitchen environment of Xia's shop was really inferior compared to the Hojo Building. Let alone the narrowness and crowdedness, there was no central air conditioner too. 

When cooking, the kitchen doors and windows were closed, and the inside seemed to be like a big steamer. When several stoves were turned on at the same time, the turbulent heat flow would make those who had not been trained by professional chefs think that this was hell.

For Miyoko, who accustomed to the high-star kitchen environment of Hojo Building, her experience tonight made her feel both tired and strange. 


Looking at Xia Yu's figure walking back to the store, Hojo Miyoko took out her mobile phone from her sweaty and wet pocket. At this time, it was already a little later than 12 am. She hesitated for a little while and made a call.

"Hello..." There was a calm middle-aged man's voice over the other side. 

"Dad, it's me." 

"Miyoko, I heard from my friends that you passed the IGO One-Star Chef assessment yesterday. Congratulations," the middle-aged man said with a bit of relief. "When are you going to return to Yokohama?" 

"I'm sorry, dad, I plan to stay in Tokyo until Togetsu starts school." Hojo Miyoko lips moved silently a few times before she said, "I fought a Food War in Tokyo and lost to someone of the same age..." 

Her dad was listening on the other end of the phone. 

"He is very powerful. I think he has the level of the Top Ten of Togetsu High School... And his cooking has a magical power. After eating, your spirit and soul seems to have been baptized. Although it sounds incredible, but this is from my own taste evaluation..." Miyoko Hojo said and her eyes unconsciously showed awe. 

"Tell me in detail!" This time the tone of the middle-aged man obviously became surprised. 

Yokohama, Hojo Building.

The Chinese cuisine restaurant that passed the IGO Six-Star certification a few days ago was still hot in the middle of the night.

In the kitchen, the head chef, Hojo Taiga, stopped his job and grabbed his phone. He listened carefully to the other side. His face showed his disbelief, and he murmured, "...The Chef's Heart?"

Hojo Taiga took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Miyoko, can you talk about the feeling of eating again? Just tell me what you saw at that time!"

"What did I see?"

Miyoko Hojo blushed under the streetlights. "I ate two special dishes in total."

"One is Fried Bok Choy. I seemed to see the fields in the countryside... Seeing myself running in the wild..." Hojo Miyoko's shame almost exploded.

"What else?" Hojo Taiga frowned.

"The other is the Hibiscus Crab Egg. I saw the glow of the cuisine, like magic!"

While mentioning the glowing Hibiscus Crab Egg, Hojo Miyoko's beautiful purple eyes seemed to show a hint of hunger.

"Cuisine... Glowing?"

Hojo Taiga was silent for a while.

"Miyoko, since you have decided, just stay in Tokyo."

"That teenager may have mastered the skills that a Super Chef can comprehend. As far as I know, the content of a Super Chef's assessment is to mark a simple recipe with his own brand and plunder it into his own belonging. That kind of technique is called 'Chef's Heart!'" Hojo Taiga smiled bitterly. "This is a threshold of the godlike technique that your father couldn't get even after so many years of being a Master Chef!"

She hung up the phone.

Miyoko Hojo was dazed under the streetlight and stood for more than ten minutes before digesting the information she learned from her father.

The top chef of the Nine-Star IGO was the famous Super Special Chef in the cuisine world.

In the recognition of Miyoko Hojo, those Super Chefs either opened restaurants and hotels by themselves, where the guests were like clouds, or were recruited by some huge food giant stars with exaggerated annual salaries and even got ceded shares.

Togetsu's Top Ten, after all, were just a group of students at school, and had not yet formed an influence in the Japan local food industry, let alone on the global scale.

You had to know that among the graduates of Togetsu in the past, there were probably only those talented people who graduated as one of the Top Ten that had a chance to pass the Super Chef examination in the future.

It was hard to say about the graduates in recent years, but Miyoko Hojo could be sure that the 69th graduates which were called Togetsu's 'Golden Generation', with the legendary ten seats: the First Seat, Dojima, the Second Seat, Ichiro Sainami, and the Third Seat, Naginiri….

These people must have been Super Special Chefs.

"...He may have mastered the skills of a Super Chef. In other words, he has touched the special threshold!"

Her father's voice still lingered in her ears. Hojo Miyoko bit her lower lip and clenched her fists in disbelief. "Even if you are special, I will still challenge you in a Food War until the day of victory!"

Xia Yu didn't know this conversation between the father and daughter. Otherwise, he would be speechless.

What special? Now, he was only LV.12 in the cooking grade. Is that special grade?

It was another busy day.

After closing in the early morning, Xia Yu arranged a room for Miyoko Hojo. He moved to the old man's bedroom and left his room to Miyoko Hojo.

Because of his good cleaning habits, his room and the old man's room were very clean. And he didn't need to spend a lot of time. He could sleep after changing the new sheets and bedding. Maki Morita invited Miyoko Hojo to go to her house, but Miyoko refused.

He left the only bathroom on the second floor for Miyoko Hojo to have a bath. Xia Yu didn't rush to close the shop, but just half-closed the door, sitting in a clean chair while browsing the props in the Chef God Mall.

System: "There are currently 1033 fame points remaining."

The fame points had hardly increased in the past two days, which showed that the store's promotion in the ACG circle had reached a bottleneck. Unless there were other heavyweights who were more influential than 'Mr Taki' and 'Eri Kashiwagi' to help him advertise, the well-known level in the ACG circle would basically stop here.

The Chef God Space had too many tempting props, not to mention the most basic recipes.

Now that he had completed the two basic skills of 'knife skills' and 'heat control', he should buy an advanced skill book to learn.

The problem was that after screening, Xia Yu found that he was really poor.

There were not many advanced branches of 'knife skills'. 

'Raptor Bull and Blue Dragon Slash' was a purple cooking technique that specialized in processing meat ingredients. If he did pass the mission and bought it directly, it would cost a full 15,000 fame points. 

'Arhat Crystal Slash', which was a purple cooking skill that dealt with freshwater produce, was also priced at 15,000 points of fame. 

"System, let's just say… How much is the cheapest advanced knife skill book?" Xia Yu turned around and simply closed the store panel so that he would not be annoyed by the cruel fact of poverty. 

"Purple low level, 'Seven Stars Breaking Army Cut', priced at 10,000 points of fame," the system answered. 


Xia Yu looked at the sky with tears in his eyes. 

"I don't want noble purple knife skills. I'm a poor bastard... Is there a cheaper version available? Blue, economic, and usable..." he still asked unwillingly. 

The system was silent for a moment and seemed to be searching. 

Finally, the system said in a mechanical voice, "I'm sorry. Host, please continue to work hard."