The Train to The Abyss - Part 2 / 2

Emilia looks back at the "Other" threatening to kill her next. She prepares and gets into a fighting stance. "Come at me" She smirked. The "Other" begins screaming and charges at her while swinging the blade. Emilia ducks down and kicks the "Other" in the stomach. It flies back to the exit and falls to the ground. "Why the hell hasn't that disappeared? I thought they were supposed to die alongside their host?" She thought to herself. "Was that diary joking?" She added.

At the locomotive cab, the microphone for the speaker is dangling. A hand picks it up... It was the man again. He carries the dead body of the conductor and throws it out the window. He brushes off his hands. "That was tiring. Now, time to kill everyone on board." He says to himself. He looks at the panel and punches it. He then leaves through a vortex.

Back at the dining car, chaos was erupting. Hundreds of dead bodies laying on the floor, with only a few people left alive, fighting for their lives against the "Others". Emilia was looking for an exit whilst defending herself, completely ignoring the tip the man gave him, which is to just run. As she is being cornered, she spots a large wooden board a few feet from her. "TIME TO DIE." The "Other" screeches. Emilia dodges the fist of the "Other" and jumps toward the board. She picks it up and slams it at the face of the "Other", stunning it for a while. She drops the board and runs back to her room in the sleeping car. She crosses the long gangway connection while being chased by 5 "Others". She slams the door to the sleeping car, locking out the "Others". What she did not know, however, she also locked out the remaining survivors left in the dining car, leaving their fate unknown. She falls to the ground from exhaustion, but she tries not to pass out, slapping herself to keep herself awake. She takes a few breaths, trying to process what just happened. "That was insane.." She laughed. She slowly stands up, with a couple of bruises in her knees. She limps back to her room and closes the door. She sits down in the chair and rests her head in her arms. She began to cry. "Why must this happen to me?!" She yelled. There was silence. Suddenly, she could hear the door at the gangway connection starting to crack. She runs towards her bag and opens it. She pulls out a Deagle and goes out of her room. She stares at the "Others" ramming the glass door. She giggles, and giggles again... then she begins to laugh hysterically. She finally snapped. As the door is about to break, a man comes out of his own room, holding a metal bat as well. Emilia looks at him. "Get ready, we're gonna die!" She says while still laughing. The man was creeped out, so he ignored her. The "Others" finally break through the glass door and begin running towards both of them. Emilia fired at 7 of them, killing them instantly. The man whacks 2 of them, stunning them. Emilia was still laughing like a maniac, while the man had a blank expression on his face. After what seemed like forever, there was only one "Other" left. It looked like its host was the man. "Leave this to me." He said. He walks by Emilia and swings his bat at it. His "Other" was able to catch the bat with its hand. While it was distracted, Emilia shot it at the head, killing it instantly. The man looks back at Emilia and gave her a thumbs-up. Emilia was confused.

At the man's room. Emilia was sitting in front of him. "What's your name?" He asked. "Emily... Emily Mingreto." She replied. "Nice to meet you. My name is Semaj." The man says with a smile on his face. There was silence. "So... do you know what happened?" Semaj asked. "A little bit..." Emilia replied. "Can you tell me more?" He asked.

After explaining for a while, Semaj seems to also know a little bit about them. "I see, so those were supposed to die when their host also died, but they didn't?" He asked. Emilia nodded. "We should go look for more survivors," Semaj added. Emilia thought about it for a while... "Alright, let's go." She replied slowly. "I'll go back to my room to get my bag." She added. Semaj gave a thumbs-up again. She slowly walks back to her room, confused about why Semaj was laid back after all the events that have occurred. She puts on her bag and leaves the room. She then knocks on Semaj's door. He came out with only two things in hand. His metal bat, and a bottle of beer. "Hey, where's your bag?" She asked. "I don't have one." He replied. They walked through the black puddles left behind by the "Others", and the lifeless bodies of the other passengers.

On top of the train, the Man is setting up some sort of bomb. "This wire should do it..." He said to himself. "Your little game is over, James!" A female voice shouted from behind. He stands up and looks behind him. "You're going back to the Abyss with me." She said. "Ah, if it isn't Gamma. What is it this time?" James questioned calmly. "Just shut up. I've had enough of your goddamn lies." Gamma yelled as she pulled out a scimitar. "I'm afraid I'll never shut up. Perhaps, it should be you who needs to shut up." He argued. Gamma slowly approached her, stomping her feet in the metal roof. "Ah, a challenge? I'll erase you from the face of this world, just like what I did with your friends." James replied while releasing a black aura. He pulls out a prism from his pocket, and points it at Gamma. "Begone, virago!" He shouted. Lasers started coming out of the prism, leaving Gamma speechless. The lasers hit her, blasting her far away from James. From below, Emilia and Semaj feel the thump of Gamma's body. "What the hell is happening up there?" Emilia asked. As both of them keep running, James suddenly falls from the roof in front of them. "Well, hello there Emilia! How are you?" He asked with a smile. "Why the hell are you here?" Emilia replied. "Oh, nothing. I'm just dealing with an old friend of mine." He says while standing up. He brushes off the dust from his suit. "I'll be going." He adds. He jumps into the sky while punching Gamma. Both of them were speechless. Suddenly, they could hear a few "Others" walking behind them. They turn around, and see one hundred of them. "Oh hell no!" Semaj shouts. He pulls Emilia's hand, and runs away from them. The "Others" begin to give chase. "Emilia, shoot some of them!" He said. Emilia nodded and pulled out her Deagle. She begins firing at some of them. She was only able to kill 4 of them, only 96 more to go. Unfortunately, both of them reached a dead-end. The "Others" begin circling them, preparing to murder them both. "Well, I guess it was nice meeting you," Semaj said to Emilia. Emilia looked at him, and smiled. Suddenly, James appeared in front of them and blasted all of the "Others" with the prism. "What the hell?" Emilia thought to herself. James looked back and walked towards both of them. "Listen closely. The control panel for this train is broken. I need you two to go to the locomotive cab, and find a way to control this train. It is currently going at 120 miles per hour." He babbled. "What?!" Emilia and Semaj screamed. "Yeah, not kidding. It's going to go faster soon. you have 10 minutes before we arrive at the station, and if we don't stop we might hit the wall at the end and explode. So go do it now!" James bellowed. He then jumped up and continued on fighting Gamma. Emilia and Semaj are left there frozen, stuck with the thought they have to save everyone left on board. "Jesus, we have to go now!" Semaj said to Emilia. They both nodded at each other, and ran back the way they came.

Halfway through the train, they are stopped by 4 survivors. They asked them if they could help them fend off the "Others" in the other room. Emilia and Semaj had no choice but to fight the "Others", as the survivors were badly injured. They slowly entered, to see a room full of blood, bodies, and "Others". Semaj accidentally dropped his bat, getting the attention of the "Others". Emilia sighed. "When will this ever end?" She thought to herself.

After 2 minutes of fighting, they cleared out the room. "Alright, we only have 3 minutes left, let's go!" Semaj told Emilia. As they were about to leave, an "Other" grabbed his foot, making him fall to the ground. Emilia shoots it, with no effect. She tries to shoot it again, but she has no more ammunition. The "Other" opens its mouth and bites off Semaj's arm. He began screaming in pain. Emilia grabs his bat and slams the "Other" in the head, thus killing it. "Are you okay?" Emilia asked. "Of course not! Go on without me, I'll try to protect the other people." Semaj replied. "But... your arm..." Emilia said. "No need to worry, just go!" He shouted. Emilia left Semaj behind and continued on running to the control panel. Tears began falling from her eyes, but she had no choice.

A few moments later, she arrives there. She finds blood on the floor and the broken panel. "What do I do now?" She questioned herself. "Right, the emergency brakes." She added. She looked around for it, but couldn't find it. She looked out the window, and she could see the station a few kilometers away from her. She began to panic. She hurriedly looked around for it and found it behind her. She rushes to it and pulls it as hard as she could. They were slowing down, but they were still going fast. There were only a few seconds left until such time they hit the wall. "Come on, you damn thing!" She said as she slammed the wall. The train then stopped. Emilia looks out the window, to see she was only 1 more second away from hitting the wall. She fell to the ground and let out a sigh of relief.

On top of the train, Gamma lays on the roof, she was paralyzed. "This... isn't the last time we'll meet... James!" She yelled as she coughed out blood. "I think it will be." James laughed. He kneels down and grabs Gamma's scimitar. "You call this, a weapon? Pathetic." He laughed again. Gamma couldn't do anything but stare at him. "Well, I have no time to deal with crap like you. Goodbye." James said with a serious tone. He looked at Gamma in the eyes and drives her scimitar down her stomach. She began to twitch, and a few seconds later... she was dead. James stands up and leaves through a vortex.

Back at the train, Emilia runs toward Semaj. "We're saved. We can go out now." She gleefully smiled. He goes to the survivors, and tells them that they can go out now. Emilia carries Semaj in her back and goes out of the train. As she goes out, she sees the train suddenly engulfed in flames. A few seconds later, it explodes. Emilia, Semaj, and the other 4 survivors were blasted away by the explosion.

A few hours later, Emilia wakes up. She slowly stands up, to see the station broken. She begins to question her sanity, again. She laughs hysterically, while also crying at the same time. "It's only a matter of time before I snap again..." She whispers to herself. "Happy thoughts... happy thoughts..." She repeated to herself. She falls back to the ground, crying and laughing.