Discovering Nether Purple Mountain!

Li Xiandao traveled throughout the night like it was flat land. He searched each and every mountain peak for Nether Purple Mountain. 

 But unfortunately, Li Xiandao didn't gain anything.

 He passed three of the eighteen mountain ranges and a few hundred mountains but he didn't find Nether Purple Mountain.

 In the morning, Li Xiandao faced the rising sun and looked at the light that shone down on the mountains. It was a beautiful sight.

 He stood on top of a mountain and looked around. If not for the many people rushing around, Li Xiandao might have felt much better.

 Looking at the bunch of them, Li Xiandao continued to search for Nether Purple Mountain. He didn't care about these people.

 If a Destiny Realm battle occurred here, they would be the first to die.

 When gods fought, mortals were the ones to suffer.