Little Elder Moon of Immortal Du Sect (Ren School)

Is it alright… for me to request Perfected Huang Long to do this?

Li Changshou kept thinking.

Although it was a small matter, he was not too familiar with Perfected Huang Long. He was still worried.

He was mainly afraid that Perfected Huang Long would fall for someone else's tricks again.

Li Changshou had two main reasons for using the immortals of Chan School to relay the message and build the reputation of the Sea God of the South Ocean.

The first was to spread the word so that the Western Sect disciples would try their best to think about ancient figures and thus, he could protect his true body.

Secondly, he wanted to use the Chan School as a smokescreen to cover for himself.

If that was the case, the information that the Western Sect had obtained should be like that…

They would find out that the Great Daoist Master of Ren School had appeared in the territory of the Sea God Sect in the South Ocean.