The Person, Escaped...

"What do you mean? I barged in myself!"

However, Qin Sijue did not believe her. He narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Outside the door, Luo Chen could vaguely hear that there was another voice inside. He thought that he was hallucinating, yet it was his duty to protect Qin Sijue.

He was worried and could not help but knock on the door.

"Mr. Qin?"

Upon hearing the knocking sound again, Gu Qiangwei opened the door of the changing room immediately and escaped!

Luo Chen, who was still waiting outside, saw a dark, fleeting shadow flash past his eyes.

Afterward, a thunderous voice came from the changing room!

"Stop that goddamn woman!"

She wants to leave after looking at my body?

Kill without mercy!

Luo Chen, who was still stunned, immediately regained his senses. However, he could no longer spot Gu Qiangwei's figure.

After changing into the pair of black handmade pants, Qin Sijue walked out of the changing room. The fury on his face was enough to destroy everything!

After a short while, he saw Luo Chen return.

"Mr. Qin. The person… escaped…"

The air suddenly solidified into ice. The two store employees standing in the SVIP room did not even dare to breathe heavily.

They only hoped that Mr. Qin's fury would not befall upon them.

"Close this store for me!"

In the next second, the distinguished man sitting on the sofa got up suddenly and walked towards the door. The obvious fury on his face was enough to make others back away from him.

Luo Chen followed behind him hurriedly.

Within the first day of Mr. Qin's return to the country, someone had managed to make him angry.

However, there was really no need for this store to remain open. The SVIP room was a room for distinguished guests, yet the security was so lax that it could be broken into by a woman so easily.

Oh no, it was his personal security that was breached!

As the initial pair of pants was the wrong pair, Mr. Qin probably wasn't wearing any pants at that moment, right? So… that woman saw everything just now?

Luo Chen did not see the woman's face clearly. He only saw a head of long, curly, and smooth hair and immediately deduced that Gu Qiangwei was a woman.

Within the first day of returning to the country, did she manage to force Mr. Qin to 'kill'?

Giving it some thought, Luo Chen could not help but break out into a cold sweat on behalf of the woman.

If Mr. Qin manages to find that woman, there will probably be cruel bloodshed…

After running out of the mall, Gu Qiangwei could no longer see the figures chasing her earlier. She let out a breath of relief.

At that moment, the sky had already dimmed, and the lamps lit up in the prosperous City Jing.

She went to the basement parking lot and drove her white Audi through the dim lights of the night.

After twenty minutes, she arrived at the Gu Mansion.

Was it not for the fact that she had just started her job and did not have the ability to move away, Gu Qiangwei would never have wanted to return to this home.

Her father was on a business trip and had stayed at the branch office for more than a week. Other than the maids, there were only Chen Peifang and her son, Gu Shijie, left in the house.

Even though Gu Shijie was her younger brother by name, for all these years, Gu Qiangwei had never acknowledged him as her brother; she even hated the two of them to the extreme.

After all, if it were not for Chen Peifang, her mother would not have…

Gu Qiangwei stored her pained heart away, lifted her hand, and pressed onto the password lock mounted on the wall.

"Wrong password."

When she heard the notification, Gu Qiangwei frowned lightly. She turned her head, glanced at the password lock, and tried again.

"Wrong password."

What is going on?

Puzzled, Gu Qiangwei attempted to unlock the door for the third time.

However, the outcome did not change.

After contemplating for two seconds, she suddenly understood what was going on. She stopped entering the password and pressed the doorbell instead.