Your Brother Did Not Do It On Purpose

"It was not attempted; he already did it last night. It's just that he didn't get what he wanted!"

If not for her getting Meng Qi's help and quickly escaping, that bastard would already have—

Suddenly, Gu Qiangwei's expression stiffened, and she abruptly opened her eyes wide.

Right, Meng Qi!

Meng Qi left the Gu Mansion together with her last night. So where was it now?

Damn, I completely forgot about Meng Qi after I woke up.

"Then do you have evidence?"

While she was in a trance, the policeman's voice rang again.

Gu Qiangwei lowered her line of sight to land on that policeman's face. "Evidence?"

"Yes. You have to provide substantial evidence. Only then can we file a case."

Gu Qiangwei lowered her head and slipped into deep thought.

She did not expect Gu Shijie to do this kind of immoral thing to her. How was it possible to have evidence?

Right, Aunt Xu!

"I have a witness. But…" She held back what she wanted to say. She did not know whether Aunt Xu would testify for her.

With the policeman's analysis, Gu Qiangwei went back to the Gu Mansion half an hour later.

First, she wanted to get Aunt Xu to testify for her. Second, regardless of whether she could bring Gu Shijie to justice, she still had to come back.

This was because her cell phone, wallet, and many documents were at home. No matter where she was, these things were essential in this society.

After 20 minutes, the cab arrived at the Gu Mansion.

As she looked at the familiar main door, the warm memories that were left in Gu Qiangwei disappeared. Only her father's coldness and Chen Peifang's harshness remained.

She reached out her hand and pressed the doorbell.

However, it was not Aunt Xu who came and opened the door but another female servant she did not know.

Where is Aunt Xu?

Gu Qiangwei felt puzzled from the bottom of her heart, but before her confusion had settled down, Gu Zhendong's voice rang in the living room.

"Is it Qiangwei?"


When Gu Qiangwei heard her father's voice, she swiftly stepped into the living room. Indeed—she saw that her father, Gu Zhendong, had come back!


Although this father cared very little for her after her mother left, at this moment, she did not know why she felt as if she had seen her only loved one in this world. Gu Qiangwei sniffled. A layer of mist shrouded her eyes and blurred her vision.

"Qiangwei, last night you…"

"Dad… "

Gu Zhendong had not finished talking when Gu Qiangwei, who was feeling so wronged, pounced over and cried bitterly.

Gu Zhendong was stunned for an instant as he faced his daughter's sobbing body. He could not help himself from immediately raising his hand and patting her back.

He had already heard of last night's matter. He also roughly understood what happened.

She was most likely frightened badly.

"Don't cry. Things are fine."

Gu Qiangwei released her grip on him. "Dad, you must teach Gu Shijie a lesson. Last night, he…"

"Qiangwei, I know that you have been frightened badly, but your brother did not do it on purpose. Don't take it to heart."

As Gu Qiangwei faced her father's words, she was startled, and her expression froze.

Her father's words were completely unexpected.

"You say that he did not do it on purpose?" She stared at her father and thought that she had misheard.

"Yes. As I said, Shijie drank a few too many glasses of liquor when he was having fun last night. He mistakenly treated you as his girlfriend, which was why… "

"…" Gu Qiangwei was dumbstruck.

Her whole body froze from this one sentence. In an instant, it felt like she was in an icehouse!

Her father did not doubt Gu Shijie's words at all — he believed him just like that?

And everything she had endured last night was merely due to Gu Shijie being drunk and mistakenly treating her as someone else… Haha!