You Want To Look For Jue?

Qin Sijue stopped, turned his head, and stared at Li Yuan, who had just spoken. He frowned slightly. "Discharged?"

Li Yuan was puzzled as well. "Didn't you pick her up?"

Qin Sijue's eyes lowered, and he did not speak.

After half a second, he turned around, returned to the lift, and left the hospital.

After Gu Qiangwei was discharged, she went to the company first and asked for the address and time of the meeting with CEO Huang tonight. Then, she took a half-day leave and left the company.

She was unable to do anything without her phone and wallet, so she had to find out what that man was called.

Right, I'll go to the hospital and look for Li Yuan!

Upon that thought, Gu Qiangwei went to the hospital again and found Li Yuan. Only then did she discover that the man was called Qin Sijue.

"You're looking for Jue?"

Gu Qiangwei paused.

Indeed, she needed to find Qin Sijue and retrieve her luggage!


Li Yuan looked at her and smiled suddenly. "I'll send you there!"

For the penniless Gu Qiangwei, nothing could be better.

"Then, thank you!"

"You're welcome. Jue's matters are my matters!"

"..." Gu Qiangwei was speechless.

What Jue's matters? They're my own matters!

Within forty minutes, the car arrived at Jue Yuan, which was located half-way up the mountain.

The magnificent mansion still stood tall under the clear blue sky, appearing extremely beautiful.

In the luxurious living room, an old person wearing vintage clothes was standing in the middle of the living room, declaring loudly. "Tonight, I want to invite all the single ladies from City Jing to attend the ball in my grandson's Jue Yuan!"

On the sofa, Qin Sijue held onto his forehead. His head ached a lot.

The old butler, who was standing at the side, looked at Qin Sijue before glancing back at the old Madam. He could not help but say, "Old Madam, I'm afraid that Jue Yuan cannot fit all the single ladies from City Jing."

The old Madam paused. "That's right. Then I'll only invite all the upper-class ladies I know!"

"Yes!" The old butler agreed happily. However, when he received Qin Sijue's sharp glance, he withdrew his smile immediately!


Qin Sijue stood up and looked at Old Madam Qin, who was standing in the living room.

When she met her grandson's eyes, the old lady seemed to have suddenly remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot. You don't like people coming to Jue Yuan. Then I'll hold the ball at our place, okay?"

"Do whatever you want. Anyway, I won't attend."

Qin Sijue expressed his attitude clearly and sat onto the sofa again!

The old lady's face immediately fell. "This ball is held for you. If you aren't attending, do you expect this old lady to dance with all the upper-class ladies?"

"If that's the case, you can stop organizing the ball!"

"How can I not organize it?" The old lady immediately made a wronged expression and was on the verge of tears. "Jue, you don't know. An old friend of mine already has two great-grandsons. You need to let me have one too, right? Otherwise, I won't die a peaceful death!"

When the old lady spoke, she even pouted, looking like a child who was willfully throwing a tantrum.

"Grandma, I'm only twenty-six!"

"So what if you are twenty-six? My old friend's grandson had already married when he was twenty-four. He even has a pair of twins!"

Qin Sijue was having a headache.

"Anyway, this thing is settled! Tomorrow night, at 7 PM, if you don't come to the ball, I will… I will die in front of you!"

"Are you threatening me?"

"I am threatening you!"

The old lady held her head high and strutted out of the entrance. When she reached the entrance, a red Ferrari was parked in the courtyard, but the old lady did not pay much attention to it; instead, she sat in the Rolls Royce limousine and left.