Personal Translator

Shen Mochen was worried about Gu Qiangwei being his translator.

Gu Qiangwei paused.

Who else could it be? Of course it was Qiao Muxue, her direct superior who loved Shen Mochen.

Gu Qiangwei did not speak, but Shen Mochen seemed to have guessed the answer already.

"It's Mu Xue?"

She still did not speak.

She had heard that Qiao Muxue had been liking Shen Mochen since college; hence, even when Gu Qiangwei entered the Zhao Yue Company as an intern, Qiao Muxue still saw her as a love rival and a nail in the eye!

"Don't go. I'll send someone else there."

"There's no need!" Precisely because Shen Mochen took special care of her, Qiao Muxue disliked her even more.

If he tried to save her from this situation again, she would not be able to continue working in Star Entertainment again!

As she did not have any working experience, it was a rare opportunity for her to intern at such a huge entertainment company, and she did not want to lose this valuable chance. Although she was still a mere assistant stylist, there was still a long road in front of her.

Furthermore, given her current situation, the most important things she needed were a stable job and income!

"Don't worry, just leave it to me…"

"Se—" Gu Qiangwei paused and changed her words. "Brother Mo Chen, there's really no need. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first!"

After Gu Qiangwei spoke, she did not wait for Shen Mochen to reply before hanging up the call.

Listening to the beeping sound from the phone, Shen Mochen was still a bit worried, but he could only hope that CEO Huang would not put Qiang Wei in a tough situation.

Within a blink of an eye, it was already eight.

After bidding farewell to Meng Qi, Gu Qiangwei drove the Ferrari that Qin Sijue gave her to the 'Drunken Fairy Lodge', which was located in the middle of City Jing.

Like the name suggested, the 'Drunken Fairy Lodge' was where the wealthy and powerful businessmen, or the rich second-generation kids, spent their time at. They would get so drunk that they would feel like they had flown to heaven!

It was the first time for Gu Qiangwei to visit such a place too. After parking her car, she walked into the glittering entrance of the 'Drunken Fairy Lodge'.

Once she entered, her phone rang.

Looking at the words "Qiao Muxue" that lit up her screen, she hesitated for half a second before picking the call up.

"Hello? Gu Qiangwei, have you arrived? CEO Huang is getting impatient!" Qiao Muxue's mean and shrill voice sounded from the phone.

"I'm here. I'm already at the main entrance. Which room are you in?"

"2F, the Dazzling Crystal!"

"Okay, I understand."

After hanging up the call, Gu Qiangwei turned around and went to the second floor.

She was initially a small stylist assistant in the entertainment company. The only reason why she was arranged to be CEO Huang's translator tonight was that she could speak fluent English!

When she arrived in front of the "Dazzling Crystal" room, Gu Qiangwei tidied her clothes, pushed the door open, and entered.

In the room, under the dim yellow light, it was a scene of partying and indulgence—men and women were squeezing together on the sofa, having unrestrained fun.

"You're here."

As she was being distracted, she saw Qiao Muxue's seductive body walk towards her. Qiao Muxue crossed her arms over her chest and stared at Gu Qiangwei, who had just entered.

"That person over there is CEO Huang. From now on, you are responsible for all events on his agenda in City Jing for the next 24 hours!" Under the dim lighting, a hint of manipulation flashed across Qiao Muxue's alluring amber eyes.

The lights were too dim, so Gu Qiangwei did not notice it.

However, her words stunned her.

"Are you saying that I have to keep following CEO Huang from now on?!"

"Of course. He doesn't know the language here. From now on, you are his personal translator!"

"But I still have my own job!"