At Your Beck and Call

They ate their breakfast quietly. As Gu Qiangwei chewed on the food in her mouth, her eyes occasionally glanced upwards to look at the man on the master seat.

Coincidentally, Qin Sijue lifted his eyes at the same time. The two pairs of eyes met, and Gu Qiangwei was stunned for a moment.

Within the next second, she avoided his gaze hurriedly! It was almost instinct as she would panic every time she met his dark eyes.

After they finished their breakfast in silence, it was already 8 AM.

Thinking that Qiao Muxue was definitely fuming in the company, Gu Qiangwei grabbed her bag and prepared to go out, but when she was going down the stairs, she saw the man sitting upright on the sofa.

Her footsteps stopped, and her gaze drifted over uncontrollably.

Qin Sijue lifted his eyes, landing his powerful gaze on her clean and clear face.

His thin lips parted. "Come here."

Gu Qiangwei still had to settle some matters. However, upon thinking that she was his fake wife and was already living there, she strode over.

"This. Look at it."

His long and narrow eyes briefly scanned the transparent document folder placed on the table.


Qin Sijue did not speak and just looked at her.

His gaze seemed to say: can't you look for yourself?

Pursing her lips, Gu Qiangwei picked up the folder, and she saw a few big words through the transparent folder: Marriage Agreement.

She lifted her eyes again and looked at the man confusedly.

Although this is only a fake marriage, there's still a marriage agreement?

She flipped open the agreement, reading every word written on it with her clear and beautiful eyes.

During the period of the agreement, she was not allowed to stay overnight and must return to Jue Yuan by 9 PM; otherwise, she would be considered to be cheating on him?!

Looking at the contents of the agreement, Gu Qiangwei widened her phoenix-like eyes. This was only a fake marriage. Was there a need to be so serious?

"I'll also inform you that from today onward, there will be a curfew in Jue Yuan."

Qin Sijue lifted his eyes and glanced at the woman opposite him, declaring his authority with his emperor-like gaze.

"Curfew?" Gu Qiangwei frowned.

Even Uncle Qin, who had just come from the backyard, was puzzled.

"Yes. You must return here before 9 PM. Otherwise… you understand."

"..." Gu Qiangwei was dumbstruck.

Looking at the man who had spoken the unbelievable, Gu Qiangwei blurted out. "It's only a fake—"

Hearing footsteps behind her, Gu Qiangwei turned around, saw Uncle Qin walk over, and immediately stopped speaking.

"What if I have to work overtime after 9 PM?" With Qiao Muxue making things difficult for her, it was common for her to work overtime.

"That's your problem."

"…" He claimed that it was her problem, but he was the one who implemented this curfew

Gu Qiangwei thought that she could just ignore this curfew; she did not believe that a man like him could return here by 9 PM obediently!

She would merely listen to it for show! Hence, she continued reading.

Within 24 hours of the agreement, I must be at his beck and call whenever he needs me?!

What is this?

They agreed that it was a fake marriage and that each of them would take what they needed, yet why did she feel like she had sold her body?

"What do you mean by being at your beck and call?"

Qin Sijue lifted his eyes and glanced at Uncle Qin at the side.

Meeting his eyes, Uncle Qin immediately understood. He bowed down and retreated hurriedly.

Once there were only the two of them left in the living room, Qin Sijue spoke. His deep and sexy voice could make one infatuated.

"Whenever you need to fulfill your role as 'Mrs. Qin', you must be at my beck and call. Of course, when you need me as your 'husband', you can do that too."