What Is Your Intention?

"I didn't!"

Gu Qiangwei could control her anger, but she did not want to admit to something that she did not do.

"You didn't? Do you mean that CEO Huang hit and injured himself? I have already enquired. Only you and CEO Huang were in the private room last night. If it wasn't you, who was it!?"

The more important thing was that even after Qiao Muxue made a phone call to CEO Huang, CEO Huang simply ignored her and even wanted to withdraw his investment in this new film!

If Mochen came back, Qiao Muxue would definitely push all the responsibility onto Gu Qiangwei; this would allow her to create some distance between Mochen and Gu Qiangwei!

When Gu Qiangwei thought of everything last night, inevitably, she also flared up.

"Qiao Muxue, don't you feel embarrassed talking about this matter? You sent me to that CEO Huang on purpose. What are your intentions?"

While Qiao Muxue was faced with Gu Qiangwei's words of justice, she was afraid that other people would hear it; after all, she had schemed a little regarding this matter. But it absolutely could not be spread to Shen Mochen's ears!

"Gu Qiangwei, you're merely an assistant. I thought highly of you, which was why I assigned you to be CEO Huang's translator. Don't be undiscriminating!"

"And are you saying that I still need to thank you just because you have phrased it like that?"

"Don't change the topic. Go and explain yourself to the company regarding the losses this time!"

Gu Qiangwei curled both her hands into fists. Although CEO Huang had nearly bullied her, injuring CEO Huang had indeed brought losses to Shen Mochen's company. At that instant, Gu Qiangwei did not know what she should do.

It was probably one of Qin Sijue's people, not her, who hit CEO Huang, but she naturally could not explain this in front of Qiao Muxue. Otherwise, with her character, she would be saying that she was being provided for by a man, the same as Chen Peifang!

But it was 50 million—she was someone who did not even have 50 thousand. How was she going to compensate for the losses this time?

Knock knock knock!

Someone knocked on the glass office door, and a female staff member walked in and gazed at Qiao Muxue.

"Director Qiao, Chairman is back and wants you to go to the office on the top floor immediately."

After hearing the staff member, Qiao Muxue naturally turned towards Gu Qiangwei. She looked like she was preparing to watch a good show. "Go up together with me!"

With an enchanting posture, Qiao Muxue walked past Gu Qiangwei as she left the office and headed to the top floor togetheri.

In the chairman's office, Shen Mochen showed a slightly sullen expression on his handsome face as he looked at the two women that came in at the same time.

"Mochen, you're back."

As Qiao Muxue looked at the man sitting in front of the office table, she immediately hid her intimidating manner, and a weak little woman took her place and appeared in front of Shen Mochen.

Shen Mochen's gaze withdrew from Gu Qiangwei's face. He looked at Qiao Muxue. "What exactly happened?"

After hearing Shen Mochen, Qiao Muxue immediately looked like she was being wronged. "It's all because of Gu Qiangwei. I heard that her English was very good, so I assigned her to be CEO Huang's translator. Who knew that she would actually hit CEO Huang's head out of anger after he wanted her to drink a glass of liquor with him? Say, does Gu Qiangwei want to let Star suffer huge losses on purpose?"

Gu Qiangwei felt disgusted when she saw Qiao Muxue sucking up to Shen Mochen and looking like she wanted to squeeze into his arms.

Shen Mochen's gaze landed on Gu Qiangwei's face again. As the chairman of Star Entertainment, he naturally would not only listen to one side of the story.

"Is what she said true?"

Gu Qiangwei opened her mouth and wanted to deny it. She wanted to talk, but she paused.

CEO Huang's head was hit by Qin Sijue's men; however, she could not tell them that. At that moment, she really did not know how to answer Shen Mochen.