Let Qiao Muxue Come And Discuss With Me

"I'll think about it some more. After all, I just resigned from Star, so this loss of 50 million seems to have nothing much to do with me. I believe that the company will be able to find a new investor very soon."

Gu Qiangwei smiled confidently as she talked; thereafter, she turned around and wanted to walk towards the office door.

Shen Hua saw the situation and quickly opened his mouth to stop her.

"Gu—" He nearly slipped and called Gu Qiangwei's name. After he was subconsciously aware that she was Qin Sijue's wife, he quickly changed his words. "Mrs. Qin!"

Gu Qiangwei stopped and turned her head to look at Shen Hua.

Shen Hua, who had acted like a chairman just before, had no choice but to bow down at this moment and smile sheepishly. "Mrs. Qin, can we talk about the matters regarding the investment one more time?"

Gu Qiangwei hesitated for a few seconds before glancing at Qiao Muxue. "Alright. However, let Qiao Muxue come and talk with me alone. After all, isn't she clearer about the benefits from this?"

Upon hearing Gu Qiangwei's orders, Shen Hua immediately nodded and replied. "Yes yes yes, I'll have Muxue talk with you."

"Uncle, I…"

Qiao Muxue was naturally unwilling to do so: Gu Qiangwei was previously her subordinate, yet now, she had become the most important investor in the new film. If Qiao Muxue went to negotiate, she did not know how Gu Qiangwei would make things difficult for her. She did not wish to go!

But she had not finished speaking when she was stopped by Shen Hua's gaze!

"Then we'll talk again another day. I want to pack my things and go home now!"

Gu Qiangwei smiled. She indeed had the intention to make things difficult for Qiao Muxue. Who told Qiao Muxue to be so despicable? Gu Qiangwei had been in the company for two months and had practically been abused by her throughout! It was not easy for her to have an opportunity now. How could she go easy on her like this?

After setting the terms straight, Gu Qiangwei walked straight towards the office door, and Luo Chen followed behind respectfully.

Only after seeing the two figures disappear completely from the door of the office did Qiao Muxue then dare to open her mouth to talk.

"Uncle, why are you having me negotiate the matters regarding the investment this time? Gu Qiangwei has always disliked me. If I go, she'll definitely think of ways to make things difficult for me!"

Qiao Muxue had been acknowledged as Shen Hua's future daughter-in-law. He admired her in his heart mainly because her work capability was indeed very strong.

"Only you can go for this matter, precisely because she doesn't like you. After she makes things difficult for you, she'll definitely agree to invest this time. So Muxue, you'll first have to endure."

Qiao Muxue listened to Shen Hua's explanation and could not help feeling muddled.

So Uncle Shen obviously knows that I am going to suffer yet still insists on letting me go?

She was unwilling to do so, but she could not go against Shen Hua's requests. After all, she was still waiting to become the madam of the Shen family. She naturally would not openly offend this future father-in-law!

"Dad, who exactly was that person just now? Why were you so afraid of him after hearing his name?"

Shen Mochen had been thinking about this question as well.

Why was Qiangwei called 'Young Madam' by that other man?

And who exactly is that 'Mr. Qin'?

Shen Hua glanced at his son. "You all, don't provoke Gu Qiangwei in the future. She is absolutely not someone we can afford to provoke. If something serious happens, our whole Star Entertainment may be implicated."

"Uncle, are you getting tricked? I don't remember Gu Qiangwei being married. She's just an unwanted girl from the Gu family; she's not as frightful as you've made it to be!"

After hearing Qiao Muxue's words, Shen Hua could not help himself from frowning.

Getting tricked?

But the name Qin Sijue was very rarely known by people in the outside world. Although he had been overseas all these years, Assistant Luo, who was by his side, should not be fake, right?