Head of Teaching is Discontent

[Is this the same Jian Yiling who viciously pushed her brother down the stairs? What's going on? What is she trying to do again? Why is there always news about her?]

[Don't say that. Don't forget what happened with the confession. It's not always her fault.]

[What are you trying to say? The confession was fake. However, the incident with her brother hasn't passed by yet. The only thing she knows how to do is to find someone to delete the post. However, that matter isn't finished yet. I don't have a memory of a goldfish.]

Although it had been a while since the original post had been deleted, there were still some people who remembered the incident.

Now, Jian Yiling's name once again appeared in front of everyone. Past memories had been dug up.

[Let's not talk about that. This thread was meant for the chemistry competition. Let's just discuss those matters. If you want to talk about something else, please move to another thread.]