Everyone Wants to Sign Yiling (2)

And thus everyone started to recommend the female lead of Jupiter's MV for the role. Although they didn't even know her name, in their minds, she suited the image of the character in the original novel the most.

The Internet was buzzing with the news. Quickly, the students of Shenghua High School also followed suit.

No matter how much they disliked Jian Yiling before, now, she had been in an MV. It was also possible that she would be cast in a web drama. To them, it felt like she was doing their school proud.

When they talked to their friends and relatives, they could say, 'This person is from our class!' It was something to be proud of.

And thus, when the students saw that people on the Internet had recommended Jian Yiling for the role, they had rushed to leave messages of support.

In fact, some students even started a post on the campus forum to rally support for Jian Yiling. They wanted to get her the role in the new upcoming web drama.