Want to Rely on Myself

"I… I want to rely on myself."

Jian Yiling hesitated for a moment before she gave Jian Yuncheng an answer.

Relying on oneself was a sign of independence.

Their little girl had become independent.

However, she had become independent way too soon.

She was only fifteen. She could still be pampered and spoiled by her parents and brothers.

When she was hurt, she had the right to cry. When she was falsely accused, she still had the right to complain.

She wasn't meant to tell them "I want to rely on myself."

When a person's first response was "I want to rely on myself," it meant that in their heart, there was no one else to rely on.

Or perhaps… The people that she once relied on and trusted had let her down.

Yes, they had let her down.

And from that incident onwards, she had chosen to believe in herself.