Don’t Tell Yiling

"You puked on his clothes… You were the one who puked all over him. However, you somehow managed to not get any vomit on yourself. Because you puked all over Yumin, we had to strip him of his shirt and trousers… As for why the two of you were in the same room…"

"What's the reason for that?"

"Well, you said that you wanted to take him back to his room. You said that since you threw up all over him, you were responsible for him. And thus, you wanted to personally send him back to his hotel room. No one could stop you. And thus, you dragged him all the way to this room and collapsed here as well."

"Were you there?"

"Of course. Professor Xu was there as well."

"Then why didn't you carry me out of the room?"

"Sister En, we do not dare to touch or move you!"

No one in the Institution dared to touch Sister En. No one had a death wish.

They didn't know whether or not Sister En had collapsed in the room on purpose.