Together Forever

She learned to spend time on her own. She learned to spend time on other things when there was no one else around.

She learned to cook, learned to make desserts, learned to make sugar art, learned to embroider, and learned to knit.

She devoted her time to these things. These hobbies made her feel at peace.

And thus, after being calm for so long, she forgot how to have emotions as well.

Jian Yiling didn't know what else she could do when she was sad. Usually, she would quietly wait for that sadness to dissipate on its own.

"Yiling…" Zhai Yunsheng started. He looked at Jian Yiling's downcast face. His heart felt touched by something strange and his face immediately softened.

He stretched out his hand to try and brush away the sadness on her face.

She had never shown her emotions before.

It wasn't because she didn't have emotions. Rather, it was just that she had gotten used to being alone.