Slapped in the Face Whilst Live Streaming (1)

Later at night, Mo Shiyun was live streaming. Currently, she was advertising products on the Internet.

Due to the recent news, Mo Shiyun's live stream had more viewers than ever before.

In fact, her daily sales figures for the product she advertised reached up to a hundred million dollars.

Halfway through her broadcast, Mo Shiyun's live stream interface got split into two. Mo Shiyun's stream was on one side whilst Jupiter's Xie Minyu was on the other side.

Was she going to speak to someone whilst streaming?

This was a relatively common occurrence for other streamers, however, it was Mo Shiyun's first time doing this.

Furthermore, she had not mentioned this in her agenda. And thus, why was she speaking to someone else all of a sudden?

What was even more bizarre was that the person she was going to communicate with was Jupiter's Xie Minyu. He was Jian Yiling's brother! Recently, news of Jian Yiling was all over the Internet.