Darts Competition (2)

If Jian Yiling continued to play at this level, she would instantly end the game if her next dart hit the bullseye.

On the other hand, Yao Moping was still ninety-eight points short. And thus, it was not possible for her to finish the game with a single dart.

The only way for Yao Moping to win was if Jian Yiling missed her next shot.

However, with the way she played just now, how would that be possible?

Then, Jian Yiling made a throwing motion. She was just about to throw her next dart.

Suddenly, a girl tumbled out of the crowd and bumped into Jian Yiling.

This caused Jian Yiling's dart to hit ten points instead of the bullseye.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere froze.

Han Mengyu and Xing Wei's expressions changed as well.

The girl who tumbled into Jian Yiling had a very good relationship with Yao Moping. In fact, she was basically Yao Moping's lackey.