Internship (2)

Dr. Chu continued to scold Jian Yiling: "What now? Why are you not speaking? Are you mute? If you're mute, you shouldn't be a doctor! A doctor must learn to communicate with their patients! People like you only know how to talk on paper! You only understand data and numbers! However, that won't make you a good doctor!"

"You should learn to speak and communicate with patients! If you can't learn that, then don't be a doctor! Just go home! I've mentored so many interns, however, I've never met one as bad as you! You're definitely the worst intern I've ever had!"

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you learn how to communicate with your peers?" Dr. Chu impatiently urged when he saw Jian Yiling standing still.

After Jian Yiling left, another doctor attempted to persuade Dr. Chu: "Dr. Chu, she's still so young. Just show her a bit of mercy. Don't make her cry."