Sister En and Brother Yumin (3) 

Luo Xiuen continued to speak to Jian Yumin while she got dressed: "Also, we must never tell Yiling what happened!"

"Why can't we let Yiling know?" Jian Yumin asked.

"Of course we can't let her know! We can't let her know that I did this to her brother! She won't accept me as a sister after this!"

"What did you do to her brother?" Jian Yumin asked as he frowned.

However, Luo Xiuen did not notice the frown on Jian Yumin's face.

"I… I bullied her brother!" Luo Xiuen cried out. In her heart, she decided that her actions last night were due to the influence of alcohol. She laid her hands on her idol whom she had liked for several years.

Therefore, Jian Yumin had been forced into the situation.

Ahhh, this was a sin! As a fan, how could she do such a blasphemous thing to her idol?!

Ahhh, she would quit drinking from now on! She would definitely not drink again! After all, she dared to do anything once she became drunk.