The Fourth Official 'Zerg Invasion' Tournament (1)

"Thump, thump, thump——" Zhai Yunsheng felt like he could hear his own heartbeat at this very moment.

In fact, it was as though his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

If he was wearing an alarm on his wrist right now, it'd be beeping like crazy.

Only God knew how much self-control he needed when she looked at him with those innocent eyes.

She probably didn't know that even a sickly wolf was still a wolf. Any wolf was capable of eating a rabbit.

Zhai Yunsheng was stunned for a while. Gradually, his heartbeat began to recover.

Then, Zhai Yunsheng let Jian Yiling lean on him.

He placed his palm on her stomach and began to gently rub it.

Jian Yiling's face turned red but she didn't shrink away.

She didn't dislike Zhai Yunsheng's touch. Rather, it was quite comforting to her.


The fourth official 'Zerg Invasion' tournament began its preliminary stages.