Zhu Zimo Breaks Up With Wen Ruo (2)

Wen Ruo's voice trembled as she attempted to defend herself: "Master Sheng, please don't speak nonsense. If you don't have any evidence…"

"You can have as much evidence as you want. Do you think no one can trace your actions back to you just because you used a satellite phone to call a reporter that you trust?"

Zhai Yunsheng's voice and posture were both languid.

Then, he clicked his hands. A bodyguard walked up and placed a file bag in front of Zhu Zimo.

There was a thick stack of evidence in that file bag.

Wen Ruo assumed that there was no evidence. However, her actions had easily been traced.

She could play her tricks in front of other people. However, if she played these tricks in front of Zhai Yunsheng, they would not work. This was child play to him.

Once Zhu Zimo saw the evidence, he finally accepted that his girlfriend indeed did something incredibly stupid.