Playing Gomoku with Brother Yubo

In the presidential suite on the top floor of a hotel.

There was a man quietly sitting on a chair beside his bed.

The man held a book in his hands. There was a Go board with a stalemate game in front of him.

Jian Yubo had been living alone in the hotel ever since he arrived in Beijing.

Other than attending tournaments, he basically did not leave the hotel room. This meant that he rarely met up with his other siblings.

He was used to the quiet. He was also used to being alone.

At this moment, the phone in his hotel room rang.

Upon hearing the call, Jian Yubo paused for a moment. Then, he got up to answer the call.

It was a call from the receptionist of the hotel.

"Mr. Jian, there's a girl called Miss Yiling here. She says that she's your sister. She wants to come up to visit you."

Jian Yubo paused for a few seconds before he replied: "Let her come up."