Auction (1)

A lot of big shots were gathered at the auction of the land west of Beijing.

Everyone wanted to buy this land. However, most of them knew that they were not likely to win the bid. After all, the Qin Group was also determined to win this piece of land. This meant that the probability of other families winning the bid was not large. 

Qin Chuan arrived at the auction with his girlfriend Mo Shiyun.

The couple was very eye-catching.

Many people went to greet the two of them. They also flattered Qin Chuan and Mo Shiyun attentively.

Upon hearing the praise, Qin Chuan did not really react. On the other hand, Mo Shiyun's face was slightly flushed. She felt very happy listening to these flattering words.

Suddenly, the crowd that surrounded Qin Chuan and Mo Shiyun looked in another direction.