Bustling and Lively Home (2)

The next day, Jian Yunmo and Jian Yunnao also arrived at the Zhai Residence.

When Zhai Yunsheng saw the serious expression on Jian Yunmo's face, he decided to simply not say anything.

If his father-in-law and mother-in-law were already here, what was the harm in having a few more people present?

He just needed to remind the servants and maids to put the knives in their house away. 

Jian Yunmo ordered people to bring several medical equipment and instruments into the Zhai Residence.

Naturally, no one objected to this.

In fact, Master Zhai even got his subordinates to clean out a room for Jian Yunmo to place the medical equipment and instruments he brought along. 

Even though Jian Yiling was perfectly healthy right now, it was better to be prepared. 

Jian Yiheng and Jian Yichen also turned up at the Zhai Residence.