Her Footsteps

Qu Zhen quickly understood there was no point in continuing this conversation with Master Zhai. And thus, he hastily said farewell to Master Zhai.

After that, Qu Zhen left the Zhai Residence with Sheng Yingying.

As soon as she exited the Zhai Residence, Sheng Yingying began to lose her temper: "Tch! That old man is saying whatever he wants because he's old! Who does he think he is!" 

"It's alright. There's no use in being angry. It's true we wronged the Zhai family first. It's only natural for him to not forgive us," Qu Zhen said to Sheng Yingying.

"Well, he can only act that way for a little while longer," Sheng Yingying scoffed. "We came to negotiate peace and yet, he puts on a show. Does he really think Master Sheng can win against the Loyalty Alliance? That grandson of his only knows how to fight. There's no way he knows how to do business." 

"Don't be angry. Let's discuss this with Mr. Qin."