Was She Interested in Zhai Zhongshen?!

Since she was young, her father raised Long Yuetian as a boy. When she became an adult, she inherited her father's company and became a strong independent woman who was focused on her career. As a result, she did not have any experience when it came to romantic relationships.

Naturally, she encountered a lot of men at work. However, they were either portly middle-aged men or pretty boys who were incapable of doing anything by themselves. Those males did not make her heart beat faster in the slightest way.

As she looked at Zhai Zhongshen, Long Yuetian couldn't help but tell herself off. Why was her heart being rapidly right now? Were those dramas right? Was your heart meant to beat faster when you're looking at someone you like?

But she was here to see Yiling! She wasn't meant to fall in love with this middle-aged man!

But why did she want to take off his shirt and belt?! Was she crazy?