Extra: Little Ruanruan (6)

Jian Yiling could not help with this either.

After all, only her fourth child was a baby girl.

"By the way, where are Yunnao, Zhang Yun, Yichen, and Yufan? Are they not coming?" Luo Xiuen asked as she looked around. She noticed the two married couples were the ones not present yet.

Why were the married ones less punctual to a birthday party than the single ones? 

Jian Yuncheng replied: "In the past few days, Yunnao was accompanying Zhang Yun back to her home.

They only returned to Beijing this morning so they're still on their way here. On the other hand, Yichen and Yufan had to deal with a problem that arose in their business. They will come here after the problem has been dealt with."

Upon hearing this, Luo Xiuen lamented: "Ahh… That's fair. Married couples indeed have more things to deal with. Hm… I wonder when I'm going to hear good news from my brothers-in-law who are yet to be married."