Pin-up Girl?

The director of the Planning Department smiled and said, "CEO Luo, I think things have been working fine so far, and we have no other opinions. Besides, being such a big company, it's not easy for us to change our strategy at will. CEO Luo is young and it's a good thing to be so driven, but being too impatient will backfire."

Luo Qiao spun the pen in her hand and replied, "Director Li's words may be construed as guidance from a senior, or a ticking off for a young boss."

Director Li's expression shifted slightly as he started, "CEO Luo, I'm notー"

"Since no one has any opinions, I'll voice mine then," Luo Qiao interjected. She smiled as she got onto her feet, "Co-productions, foreign copyrights… From what I've counted, this year our company has produced seven of such TV shows and there are another three in the pipeline."

Her cold gaze swept across everyone in the room and her presence was impossible to ignore. "I would like to know, given such heavy capital investment, what do we stand to gain?"

The room fell silent and the forehead of the director of the Planning Department was damp with perspiration.

Tossing her own onto the table, Luo Qiao concluded, "Seven! And each of those is a flop beyond recognition! And you actually think that things have been working fine all this time? Is that how you define something that is 'fine'?"

Director Li turned scarlet instantly.

"If it weren't for the fact that we produced a few movies that were box office hits, we Eastern Vision could have been ousted from the industry." Amidst the dead silence, Luo Qiao sat back down. She flipped through the document in her hand and spoke quickly, "Dramas of this type will be put on hold, complete a project risk reassessment."

A lady screenwriter immediately retorted, "But these dramas have in the past been enthusiastically received and they gain high viewership abroad. Our local female audience loves these fresh young guns. CEO Luo, are you going to just pull the plug on them?"

Luo Qiao glanced at the screenwriter expressionlessly and said, "It's because of the enthusiastic response that our remakes have been criticized by netizens to be ruining the classics. Why should we do such a thankless thing?"

Hearing this, the lady screenwriter almost gagged. True enough, every time a remake was mentioned, the netizens would start questioning if all the screenwriters in the industry were dead.

Continuing on, Luo Qiao started to express her expectations. "I do recall that we are sitting on a number of IP serials that we haven't started filming for. You screenwriters will have to work a little harder this week to select a few for submission. Then there's also the matter of the selection of actors who have starred in recent films…"

After the meeting ended, everyone was exhausted.

Luo Qiao closed the documents and confidently strode out of the meeting room, her high heels clicking loudly under her feet with her back straight as a pencil.

Someone muttered, "From now I'll be very anxious for whoever thinks she's a pin-up girl. She's obviously a bloody tyrant…"

"Relax and discuss indeed… she started firing at us even before we had barely said anything… what a snappy little mouth."

PA Sun, who had overheard this on returning, "…"

He coughed lightly. When the people saw him, they were shocked and immediately sat up straight.

As he made a sweeping glance, he said with little expression, "CEO Luo would like everyone to get on with things quickly and focus on the work as much as possible to avoid having to work overtime…

"Oh," he added before he walked away, "By the way, CEO Luo graduated from K University and completed her studies two years ago. She had been abroad pursuing further studies all this time. She's a professional when it comes to business management and project investments. I'd also like to remind you, it's highly possible that the foreign films you've watched in the last two years carried her works. So if you underestimate her, you could find yourselves on the losing end."

PA Sun then walked away coolly, leaving the roomful of people exchanging looks among themselves before the room was abuzz with hushed whispers.