The Peerlessly Dashing Man

As Ming Siran quietly swept his gaze over the security officers, although he did not show his anger, they instantly felt their scalps going numb as he said, "Are all of you zombies or just plain useless? You can't even hold back a group of crazy girl fans?"

The security officers hung their heads in shame. Then right in front of the moronic fans, he dialed for the police and they very quickly arrived. On the premise of gathering to create trouble, the police took all the people away in the police vehicles.

The entire time, Luo Qiao watched Ming Siran doing all of these things. The normally calm and indifferent man now seemed cold and violent - it was rather shocking.

"I'll deal with that person for you?" He finally looked at her.

It took Luo Qiao a while before she realized he was talking about Zhang Lingling. But she had no doubt, his way of dealing with it would be to simply and violently remove her from the entertainment scene altogether.

So she quickly said, "No, no need for that. I have a solution."

He looked at her for a moment, then without saying another word, turned to get back into the car and left.

At this point, Mu Lan made her way out from the side and said in awe, "Qiao Qiao, who on earth was that peerlessly dashing man with that unbelievably magnificent aura…"

"… Ex-boyfriend."

"Goddamn, your ex-boyfriend is so divine looking, I was almost compelled to tell him, Big Brother, I can."

Luo Qiao burst out laughing and said, "Don't you already have a boyfriend whom you've been dating for five years and are desperately in love with."

"Hahaha, but who doesn't like to ogle at hunks."

It wasn't only until noon that Zhang Lingling came sauntering in. The workers who were responsible for discussing the agreement had been fuming without an outlet to vent their anger. And worse, the representatives from her team were so arrogant that they started to pick on everything - one moment it was the air-conditioning being too cold, the next moment it was too hot. It disrupted everyone's peace.

"Now we know how people push their weight around, a small star with a huge temper." The junior workers lamented as they looked at the rather formidable entourage.

"Honestly, so what if she's in an advantaged position on the internet for now. After a while, the netizens' interest will shift, how long would she be able to hang on in the entertainment industry? She's gone and offended a rich and powerful person like Miss Luo, is she out of her mind?"

"As you said, she's in a completely dominant position now. If she used this opportunity to secure a bunch of fans and find herself a sugar daddy, her future's guaranteed. Even if CEO Luo is rich and powerful, she wouldn't dare touch the girl now.

"I'd be livid if I were CEO Luo, sigh."

When CEO Luo heard her PA relay this, a smile crossed her lips. She got onto her feet, radiant, bright, and beautiful in her working suit.

"Come, let's go meet this Miss Zhang."

Zhang Lingling sat in the meeting room lightly massaging her forehead, quite unlike the amenable person that she portrayed herself to be in the previous meeting. When she saw Luo Qiao entering, she didn't even look up, but turned to her manager next to her, saying, "I feel unwell."

The concerned manager asked her a few questions and looked up with a half-hearted smile. He said to Luo Qiao, "I'm worried, CEO Luo, as you know Lingling has just been discharged and her health is weak. Shall we make this a short discussion?"

Luo Qiao threw Zhang Lingling a few glances and asked calmly, "Is that so? Unwell? In what ways do you feel unwell, shall I get a doctor in?"

"There's no need for that, although we should quickly sign the contract. Our Lingling needs to go back to rest."

Luo Qiao pulled a chair and sat down. "Alright then." Taking out the agreement from the senior staff who was responsible for this contract, she cheerfully penned an initial on it.

Seeing this, Zhang Lingling exchanged a glance with her manager, and a look of haughtiness crossed both of their faces.

Just as they had placed the pens down, Luo Qiao said with a hint of warning, "Our company does impose a heavy penalty for breach of contract, so I hope Miss Zhang will not violate our agreement."