A Fairy Descended

[Hahahaha seems like there's a good show to watch this time!!]

[Show is really daring to shoot two cover pages in one edition. Is the official team encouraging the fans to fight for them?]

Before the random netizens could continue commenting, the fans of Tang Moqi instantly rushed over. Tang Moqi who was donned in the same color from head to toe looked really beautiful and she looked as if she couldn't be bothered with Luo Qiao.

Her mouth was even more vicious as she commented with a strange tone:

[I really wondered where the courage those random netizens came from to say that the official team is encouraging the fans to fight. How does Luo Qiao have the right to fight with Sister Big Star? Oh yes, does Luo Qiao even have fans now?]

[Hahahaha the comment above is so funny, she had asked the question I wanted to. How is this lowly Luo Qiao comparable to Tang Moqi? She's trying too hard to reach a level she can't!]

[Didn't Luo Qiao go to become a CEO? Why is she still lurking in the entertainment industry, I'm so annoyed by her!]

[Your Sister Qi had never lost a place in modeling!]

[Her high-class face isn't fake, as a random netizen, I support Tang Moqi this time. Luo Qiao should back off a little. If I put it in unkind words, she's overestimating her ability.]

On the official Weibo, everyone thought well of Tang Moqi and Luo Qiao was made as if she wasn't even worth a penny. The minority who thought that Tang Moqi had overused her high-class face for the profits and the comments that Luo Qiao wasn't that bad were all lost in the discussion. No one liked the comments at all.]

After Luo Qiao finished reading the comments, she placed her cell phone down quietly and ignored it.

In no time the day for the shooting of the magazine cover arrived.

Luo Qiao walked into the magazine agency in high heels and a male assistant was waiting for her at the door. When he saw her, he immediately guided her in. "Hello Ms. Luo, please follow me."

Everyone around were workers and the moment Luo Qiao stepped inside, she saw Tang Moqi's team. Someone had placed a jacket over Tang Moqi. With her tall and slim figure, her looks were really prominent and she was elegant. She wouldn't look really beautiful to you at first glance but she was unique to others.

After she had eye contact with Luo Qiao for a few seconds, Tang Moqi smiled and took the initiative to greet her. "Qiao Qiao, long time no see."

It was obvious that everyone's attention was placed on both of them. After Tang Moqi said that, they were observing her reaction.

Luo Qiao looked at her for a second and then, her lips curved as she smiled lightly in return. "Yes… Long time no see indeed. How have you been recently?"

As compared to the mere beautiful aura Tang Moqi gave, Luo Qiao was the real beauty. Her features were prominent and her figure was amazing. Her smile shot at the hearts of everyone and the people felt their backs turn numb. Oh god, what kind of goddess-like beauty was this?

Did a fairy descend on earth?!

Tang Moqi's eyes darkened slightly and she spoke a little more to Luo Qiao politely before she started to look at the style design.

There were two styles prepared for the magazine cover this time, one that is of a classical style and one that was sexy. It was obvious that both of them would be carrying completely different styles. It was just that both of them haven't chosen their respective styles yet.

The stylist, who didn't bother about causing a commotion and wanted to see a good show happen, said, "Ms. Luo and Ms. Tang, how are both of you going in choosing your styles?"

Tang Moqi's team instantly laughed and said, "I think that the classical style is more suitable for our Moqi."

The stylist looked at Luo Qiao and asked, "So Ms. Luo will be choosing the sexy style?"

That was actually a trap. Everyone knew that if you couldn't pull off the sexy style, you would fall into the lowest point of your career. And Luo Qiao looked like a cold little fairy, her appearance did not match the sexy style at all. On the other hand, Tang Moqi had always been selling her classy and elegant face, so the classical style was better suited for her. Even if she didn't pull off the shoot well, it wouldn't come out as a joke. However, Tang Moqi's team had said it first, thus if Luo Qiao wasn't happy with the arrangement, a disagreement would begin.

As their relationship was really sensitive these few days, if Luo Qiao spoke, she would be the one who was initiating a fight and the public opinion would also not be on her side.