Instant Wipeout

[Who's the one saying strange things? I really have to give it to you. Besides, have you already won? We don't even know who will win, so don't be so haughty or you could end up slapping yourself!]

Tang Moqi's fans:

[Hahahahaha! To think there's actually someone who thinks that Luo Qiao might win. That's gotta be the joke of the year. Hahahahaha! Sh*t I'm laughing so hard my sides are gonna split! Let's wait and see then. [smirk]]

The netizens were infuriated by them.

In the midst of these arguments, the countdown for the magazine launch started!

Show magazine Official Website V: 3! 2! 1! The purchase channel has now officially launched. For the sake of these two lovely ladies, charge!!

Instantly, everyone surged into the purchasing page. The few passing readers who had just been infuriated by Tang Moqi's fans also scrambled to go to the link.

Damn these people! No matter what, they mustn't let these little b*tches win!

However, the moment they went in, the site froze for a moment. It was only for three seconds, and they clicked again. Then it seemed they couldn't make a purchase.


They refreshed the page, only to find out it was now out of stock.

The readers: "?"

The other netizens watching on: "?"

Magazine publisher staff: "?"

All of them were stunned and rubbed their eyes to verify the situation.

What… Just happened?

The words "Out of Stock" were clearly posted on the page, it wasn't their imagination.


When they went to the official blog of the magazine, someone was already posting a question.


[.. What's going on?? A system malfunction?]

[Why does it say "Out of Stock"? Is there something wrong with my site?]

[Show magazine, are you targeting my Sister Qiao? Hurry up and open up the purchasing channel!]

[Ahhhhh! Hurry, hurry!]

[Sheesh!! Out of Stock means it's sold out, wake up you guys!!! I have to admit defeat - Luo Qiao's fans are so awesome that all 100 thousand copies of the magazine had been instantly wiped out.]

[Not exaggerating - all my goosebumps have appeared! It's really sold out, the system didn't crash. Luo Qiao's fans out there, you can start bragging now!!!]

[Through a girl from another fan group, everyone realized that it was not a system breakdown. The magazine… it was truly sold out…]

Everyone else: "???"

[No way… How could it be sold out? There were 100 thousand copies and each account can only make one purchase, how did that all disappear within a few seconds?]

[Freaking hell! Sold out? Someone please tell me again clearly, what do you mean SOLD OUT???]

[Hahahahahaha ++, what else can I say, I'll just say here first as a mark of respect that Sister Qiao is awesome!!!]

[As a passerby, I am also shaken and speechless.]

[Surely even the top celebrities would pale in comparison?? Previously Ke Bozhou didn't even manage an instant wipeout, he only managed a split sellout. Fine, I have to admit defeat.]

[How did she do it?]

That's right, how did she do it? This was the question on everyone's mind.

[That is to say, in that split second, more than 100 thousand people made a purchase at the same. Is this a dream??]

[Sister Qiao already has 100 thousand fans!!!]

[Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome!!]

[On another note: Show's server is quite something, it didn't even crash with that kind of onslaught.]

[I don't believe this. I don't believe this. No matter how awesome Luo Qiao is, there's no way she could have pulled off an instant wipeout!]

[What's not to believe? Have you forgotten that two days ago she just gained 200 thousand male fans in one hit? Don't underestimate the male fans just because they're not openly active. When it comes to chasing celebrities, they can be quite crazy.]

The male fans:

[Freaking hell, Show magazine, are you sh*tting me? I didn't even go to work this afternoon so that I could get a copy of the magazine. Are you seriously telling me it's sold out?!]