Call Me Big Brother

Some time later, Luo Qiao gradually came out of her shock after making sense of the situation. Feeling rather flattered, she mumbled to herself, "I'm actually so likeable?"

She scratched her head a little. It was… it was slightly embarrassing.

Ming Siran suddenly chuckled out loud. The deep laughter that flowed from his throat was rather attractive to listen to.

Hearing it, Luo Qiao lifted her head and gave him a puzzled look. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." The man's expression was laid back as he looked at her through narrowed eyes. Why was his posture so seductive? Then he said casually, "I find you very adorable."


Luo Qiao was stunned for about two seconds, her mind thrown into a blank by his unexpected compliment. When she realized he was praising her, she turned red in the ears and quickly looked away, at the same time saying, "What are you talking about… are you feeling okay…"

Thoroughly confused, she mindlessly scrolled through the Hot Searches. As she did so, she accidentally clicked into an entry made by the boss of Huaxiao Entertainment.

She froze.

Some of the netizens had said that a few top celebrities were promoting the magazine featuring her on the cover, and all these top celebrities were from Huaxiao Entertainment.

But she didn't remember ever making contact with the boss of this agency.

A netizen posted an entry on Hot Weibo:

Check it out! Some fellow classmates sent me this, this is how the boss of Huaxiao Entertainment looks!!!

There was a picture below:

It was a picture of a man leaning against the side of a car. A cigarette hung from between his lips as he stood there, bathed ambiguously in a stunning portrait of shadow and light. He seemed to be smiling. There was something reckless and frivolous about him, he reeked of masculinity.


[Freaking hell?!! What sort of supreme human being is this?]

[Woah, seriously not bad!!]

[Hot damn, he's so gorgeous my legs are giving way…]

[No exaggeration, everything I like in a man, he's got it!!]]

[What's his relationship with Luo Qiao? I already have a lengthy x-rated drama playing in my imagination!!]

[Isn't Luo Qiao too lucky, to be favored by such a hunk!]]

Luo Qiao: ???

How imaginative. There were certainly no hunks giving her any pampering.

At this point Ming Siran's cell phone sounded an alert. It was a WeChat and he tapped on into it in a rather distracted manner.

Fu Jiuxiao: …

Fu Jiuxiao: It seems there's a scandal between your ex-girlfriend and I…

Ming Siran: ?

The next moment, he received a screenshot of those comments.


There was a heavy, foreboding silence in the air.

Ming Siran lifted his hand and pressed it against his forehead. He immediately tossed his cell phone aside, cursed and swore quietly under his breath.

Whereas Luo Qiao, at this point, commented lightly, "This big brother has such long legs."

Ming Siran's eyelid twitched, he lifted his head to glance at her.

"This scandal is not too bad," she remarked.

In his anger, the man burst out laughing when he heard this. Then he lowered his head to undo one of his collar buttons and got onto his feet.

Luo Qiao, who was lapping up the gossip news on her cell phone, suddenly saw a dark shadow fall over her.

Her head snapped up and at once, her eyes met with Ming Siran's beautiful ones. The expression penetrating into her was ambiguous.

What? Looking up, Luo Qiao asked the man, "What's up?"

"Luo Qiao." His voice was deep and seductive, his face was so devilishly charming it was breathtaking. "Who were you calling big brother?"

As he said this, he lowered his body closer to hers suggestively, looking at her with his dangerous eyes and pressing for an answer, "Hm?"

Inching back on reflex, Luo Qiao blinked her large eyes. She felt something wasn't right, but feigned ignorance, "What? Did I call someone big brother? I don't think so."

Ming Siran's expression was relaxed, almost lazy and there was a half-smile on his face. If anything, it was far more frightening than him not smiling.

"Since you like calling other people big brother, how about you let me hear you say 'Big Brother Siran'?"


"Let's hear you say 'Big Brother Siran has long legs', hm? Come on."

Luo Qiao: "…"

A soft chuckle left the man's lips when she didn't respond.

"What's the matter? Is it that Big Brother Siran's legs aren't long enough?"