Handsome Ex-Boyfriend

Luo Qiao put her cell phone down on the table and pushed the device towards the man. Suddenly feeling a little awkward, she hesitated for a moment before murmuring, "My Weibo account has been hijacked…"

Ming Siran burst out laughing.

Embarrassed, she continued angrily, "Hurry up and help me!"

The man threw her a glance as he lazily reached out for her cell phone, saying, "After eight years of being my girl, your account got hijacked by someone… This is a complete embarrassment to me."

Luo Qiao: "…"

He closed his long, slender and pale fingers of one hand around the cell phone and started to speed-type with his thumb. It didn't take long before he tossed the cell phone back to her, saying, "All done."

Happily, she took back her cell phone. "Thanks."

As hHe studied at her exquisite alabaster face with his chin resting on his hand, the corners of his mouth edged upwards slowly.

Luo Qiao had now managed to log into her blog. She frowned as she read all sorts of comments that had been posted in her comments zone. She immediately posted: My account was hijacked last night, I wasn't the one who posted that picture, however I will be investigating this matter.

Comments from the Netizens:

[??? Hahaha… Account hijacked yet again. I knew she'd give such an excuse.]

[Ugly situation…]

[Wasn't she previously ousted from the entertainment scene as a result of that backlash from Ke Bozhou's fans? Is this proof that she's keeping a gigolo??]

[I just don't understand. She's fair, rich and pretty, why did she become a stalker? She stole a shot of him too. How is she different from those terrifying stalker fans…]

[It's a little scary, to be honest.]

[Terrifying +1]

[Everyone above, please do not insult my Qiao before the truth is out ok? Shut your trap!]

[Use your brain, people, my Sister Qiao doesn't have to resort to this.]

[I will insult whoever insults my Sister Qiao!]

[Cheap hussy Luo Qiao! Keeping a top celebrity as your gigolo! Shameless!]

[Just when will Luo Qiao leave my dashing big brother alone?]

[If you dare even have a hint of indecent desire towards our dashing big brother, we'll rip you apart!]

It took no longer than just a few minutes before Ke's fans started to turn up. And just like three months ago, they berated Luo Qiao for being a shameless woman who paid for a gigolo.

Narrowing her eyes, Luo Qiao immediately responded: 'I'm sorry, he's not my cup of tea [bared teeth]. Please don't hitch a ride on my popularity.'

Netizens: '????!!'

No one expected Luo Qiao to respond, especially Ke's fans.

Having kept quiet all this while, her response now was short, sharp and provoking!

Not her cup of tea!

Her remark was like a lit match that had fallen into a stack of dried hay, it instantly ignited the fury of Ke's fans.

[??? Have you gone mad?]

[Not your cup of tea? What makes you think you're good enough to say such a thing?]

[This is so hilarious! So funny it'll be the death of me. Ke Bozhou not her cup of tea? That's the best thing I've heard yet. This woman is a complete lunatic…]

[You only say it's not your cup of tea because you've never had such a dashing boyfriend. Do you see that our top celebrity big brother doesn't give a damn about you? Heehee.]

[I'm just a passing reader… I'll say it as it is, although I don't quite like Ke Bozhou. But he is a very good looking man and it's a little ridiculous for her to say he's not her cup of tea…]

Luo Qiao's response drew much ridicule.

However, she was calm as she replied to the netizen who commented that she never had such a dashing boyfriend:

Of course I've been in a relationship. My ex-boyfriend is ten thousand times better-looking than Ke. [hee hee]

After typing that, she looked up. Her eyes met with the man's lazy-looking ones.

Suddenly, Luo Qiao felt a sense of guilt overtake her. She turned to smile at the man. Hehehe.

The ex-boyfriend in question raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"

She looked away without another word.

Really, she should have had more relationships, so that she didn't have to get into this pathetic situation of having to depend on this one ex-boyfriend to call a bluff!

To avoid having him discover that there was a problem, Luo Qiao ate her breakfast quickly and hurried off to work. After seeing that she had left the house, he leaned against the table lazily and took out his cell phone. Then he logged into Weibo.

Luo Qiao was the only person he followed, hence her mini blog greeted him once he entered the platform. He clicked through to the comments and started to read them.