
No way. This wasn't true, they wouldn't believe it! But deep down inside, they couldn't help but feel… this could bloody well be possible!

It certainly wasn't the first time that Luo Qiao proved all of them wrong. So it could jolly well be true that she really did have a ridiculously godlike ex-boyfriend!

Feeling a great complexity of emotions, they shouted out @Luo Qiao underneath the video post of Ming Siran.

[Come out here and clarify this! @Luo Qiao]

[I can overlook the fact that you are rich and beautiful, but this demi-god big brother was yours? I can't get over it! @Luo Qiao]

[Can't you live and let live? @Luo Qiao]

[I don't believe it! Over my dead body! @Luo Qiao]

[What's the hurry, person above. Would you just believe anyone who comes forward to say he's her ex-boyfriend? In the same token I can claim the man to be my husband and the father of our children haha.]

[Hahahaha, Luo Qiao has gone overboard with her BS. Now she has leeched onto the demi-god big brother the moment she saw him. She even got her friends to help her with her lies. Hilarious.]

[Ptui! Us Ke fans do not believe you! @Luo Qiao]

As the netizens were voicing their disbelief and calling Luo Qiao a liar, a photograph was posted out of the blue.

In the photograph, the netizens' demi-god big brother was carrying Luo Qiao piggyback, as he smiled with his gaze cast downwards. Luo Qiao had her arms around the man's neck and seemed to be whispering something in his ear, her eyes were half moons as she laughed casually in all her youthful splendor.

Netizens: !!!!!

[I almost freaking blacked out!]

[Have I been slapped in my face again? Why do I feel like I'm forced to be Luo Qiao's fan?]

[I'm so jealous I'm so jealous I'm so jealous I'm so jealous I'm so jealous @Luo Qiao]

[Demi-god big brother is smiling as if he dotes the hell out of her! Arghh! Kill me!]

[My face hurts…]

[Luo Qiao is too humble. Her ex-boyfriend is more than ten thousand times better looking than Ke Bozhou. Obviously immortals are different, alright?]

[Hahahahahaha this Luo Qiao fan is LOL!!]

[Sister Qiao, have you slapped the faces of these keyboard warriors? Yes, truly so!!]

Luo Qiao's fans started their mockery online that were like slaps repeatedly raining onto the swollen faces of Ke Bozhou's fans. In the end these fans made their most jealous remark of all times:

[F***! Why does everything good happen to her!]

Luo Qiao's fans: Hahahahahahaha!!

Even through the computer screen, one could feel the jealousy of Ke's fans!

Almost immediately, the truth behind those rumors of Luo Qiao being a stalker and paying for the services of a gigolo were exposed. This woman had dated such a demi-god in the past, why would she be interested in someone like Ke Bozhou?

When Luo Qiao herself saw the photograph that was posted, she was stunned: ???

Immediately, she dialed Ming Siran's cell phone.

At the same time, Ming Siran was just finishing a senior management meeting. He sat down and loosened his necktie with his long and slender fingers. Then he leaned back into his chair, with that seductive look in his bedroom eyes.

The cell phone in his trouser pocket went off. He looked up and glanced at his cell phone screen as he drew the device out from the pocket.

It was Luo Qiao.

He gave a momentary smile as he hit the button and connected the call. "What's up?"

Luo Qiao said at once, "Did you post that photo on the internet?"

Amused, he replied, "What photo?"

Luo Qiao rolled her eyes. "Who else would have a photo like that?"

The man removed his necktie with one hand and deftly undid the top two buttons of her shirt. He spoke in a casual tone, "You don't have one? Why, did you burn all our photos after we broke up?"

Luo Qiao: "…"

As though he knew what she was thinking, he drawled , "Since you've sung praises of me, your big brother here will not let you be insulted by others."

"…" After trying to keep her cool for some time, she burst out, "You're not my big brother!"

After saying this, she quickly hung up.

Raising an eyebrow, Ming Siran raised an eyebrow and glanced at his cell phone. As he was about to put it back down, a text message came in, prompting him that a bank card number ending with 1018 had transferred two million into his account.