
The staff member brought the contract over and Luo Qiao placed a pen on it, saying, " it's not a good feeling to be scolded by others. I believe all of you have a deep understanding of it. However, as long as you want to change, I will provide you with the best resources.

The look in their eyes changed when they heard that. Zhou Hao's blood was boiling, and he was so excited that he wanted to call him 'dad' again.

Luo Qiao lifted her chin and chuckled.

Luo Qiao spent the entire day selecting suitable managers and teams for them. At four o 'clock in the afternoon, Executive Assistant sun opened the door and said, " "Boss Luo, there's a lady called Tina who wants to see you."

Everyone in the room raised their heads.

Luo Qiao raised an eyebrow,'Tina? Who's Tina?"

The fire in Zhou Hao's eyes was ignited, " daddy Luo, daddy Luo, this Tina bragged about pursuing daddy Ming two days ago. She must be here to ruin your relationship!

Luo Qiao,"hehe."

"Did she say what's the matter?" she looked at the special Assistant.

"He didn't say."

"Then I won't see you."

Zhou Hao agreed. Tell her to leave quickly!"

Special Assistant sun nodded, but before he could leave, Tina barged in in her high heels. She took off her sunglasses and swept her gaze over Luo Qiao, her red lips lifting slightly."Miss Luo Qiao?"

Luo Qiao looked at her.

"Can we talk?" Tina tilted her head.

Su Zhan and a few others went out. Through the glass window, they saw two women talking.

Lu er 'er retracted her gaze, lowered the brim of her hat, and said indifferently, " "It seems like President Luo is busy. I'll be leaving first."

Yu Cong 'an also stood up. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and with his hands in his pockets, he said,"Tell President Luo that I'll be leaving too."

Zhou Hao said goodbye to them, then quickly went to su Zhan,"Do you have father Ming's contact information?"

Su Zhan nodded.

"Hurry up and tell father Ming that someone is bullying father Luo."


Oh, " he said. He took out his phone and opened WeChat.

Su Zhan asked,"President Ming, are you free now?"

After a while, Ming Siran sent a voice message. Su Zhan opened it, and the two of them heard Ming Siran's sexy and alluring voice, " "I'm free. What happened to little brother Su Zhan?"

Su Zhan and Zhou Hao's faces and ears turned red when they heard this.

He briefly explained the situation to him, and after a while, Ming Siran replied that he understood.

She put away her phone and saw Zhou Hao scratching his head in embarrassment. "Father Ming's male God voice is so nice, Yingluo."

Su Zhan,"hehe."

Not long after, Luo Qiao and Tina came out one after another.

"President Luo, where are you guys going?" Zhou Hao quickly stood up and asked.

Tina flicked her hair and smiled faintly. "Your boss Luo must be tired after a long day of work. We're going to the pool hall to relax now. Do you two want to come?"

"We have to go, we have to go. We're fine, right, su Zhan?"

Su Zhan met Luo Qiao's gaze and nodded, " "Yes."

"Let's go together then," Luo Qiao said with a smile.

Zhou Hao followed behind and whispered to su Zhan, " "Don't panic. First of all, our Father Luo won in terms of looks."


When they arrived at the pool hall, Tina smiled faintly. boss Luo's entertainment company is doing pretty well. I'm also thinking about this. It looks like we'll have to meet each other as competitors in the future.

"Not just anyone who owns an entertainment company is qualified to be Eastern Vision's opponent," Luo Qiao replied without even lifting her eyelids.
