I didn't drink today

They left messages on Luo Qiao's Weibo and Eastern Vision film's official Weibo, advising her not to seek her own death. They really wanted to sign Yu congan, but Lu er 'er's school bullying could not be cleared no matter what. After all, it was true that she had hit people back then and in the video, she had even stripped people of their clothes. As a result, the other party was still taking anti-depressants.

Such a person could still enjoy the best resources. Why?

As for the comments left by the netizens, Eastern Vision Pictures quickly posted on Weibo, saying that President Luo would give everyone an explanation.

While the internet was in chaos, Luo Qiao called su Zhan and the others over and gave each of them an arrangement form.

"You'll be participating in a few programs in the near future, so be mentally prepared." She first looked at Yu congan,"you are the first." I've just fought for a spot for you, so whether you can make a comeback will depend on your performance on stage."

Yu congan took it and looked at it.

Lu er 'er and su Zhan also had programs to attend, and both of them were the most popular ones at the moment. Originally, based on their status, they would not have been able to squeeze in no matter how hard they tried.

Su Zhan said,"sister Qiaoqiao, it must have been hard on you to arrange all this for us, how did you do it?"

"Just throw in money," Luo Qiao replied expressionlessly.

Su Zhan,"hehe."

Lu er 'er,"Yingluo."

Yu congan,"Yingluo, daddy Luo is awesome!"


Recently, the awesome father Luo had been avoiding Ming Siran whenever he saw him.

After dinner, she quickly sneaked back to her room and locked the door.

Ming Siran rested his chin on his hand lazily, his gaze sweeping in the direction she had left in, a lazy smile on his face.

Luo Qiao returned to her room, took her laptop, placed it on her knees, and started to work.

At eight o 'clock in the evening, just as she was about to save a document, her screen suddenly turned black. Then, it lit up again, and the mouse went out of control.

Luo Qiao was speechless.

She hammered the outer shell twice and forced it to shut down, but it was to no avail.

What was going on?

In the living room, Ming Siran was resting his head on his hand, and the Ragdoll cat was nestled beside him. The man and cat were watching a movie in harmony.

Luo Qiao walked out with her laptop and called out to him, "

"Ming Siran, you're a coward."

Ming Siran glanced at her and ignored her.

Luo Qiao sat down beside him. can you help me take a look at my computer? why is it suddenly out of use? " she asked.

Ten seconds later, Ming Siran sat up unhurriedly, took her notebook, and placed it on the coffee table.

"What's going on?" Luo Qiao leaned her head over.

Ming Siran's eyes were fixed on the screen, and he said nonchalantly, " "I'll tell you if you date me."


She looked away and listened to the sound of his operation. She took the little Ragdoll and put it on her lap, stroking the cat happily.

It was said that men were the most attractive when they were serious about something. Ming Siran's fingers were long and clean, and under the light, his side profile looked warm and handsome.

"Qiao Qiao," he called after a moment.

Luo Qiao was a little dazed when she heard that and subconsciously acknowledged him.

Ming Siran's eyes were still on the screen."Come here, I'll teach you."

Luo Qiao held the cat and moved closer to him.

He demonstrated the operation in front of her and asked softly.

"If you encounter this situation again, do this, understand?"

"No, I didn't,"

Ming Siran suddenly laughed and looked down at her, his peach blossom eyes hiding gentleness.

A small flame was suddenly ignited in Luo Qiao's heart by his gaze, making her restless and uneasy. Her throat was a little dry and she pursed her lips.

"I didn't drink today." The man looked at her, his voice deep and ambiguous. His tone was soft as he whispered into her ear,"So I can't kiss you?"