Be more obedient

There were all sorts of comments on the internet. Luo Qiao was feeling refreshed after posting on Weibo when her phone vibrated. Ming Siran had sent her a message, urging her to bring him some documents.

Luo Qiao grabbed the documents from the table and went upstairs.

She pushed the door open and saw that Ming Siran had already started his meeting. She paused for a moment, then walked over quietly.

The man was still wearing the suit he wore in the company. His fingers were clean and his joints were distinct. The button was buttoned up all the way to the top, revealing a rare sense of abstinence.

Luo Qiao placed the documents in his hand and was about to leave when he suddenly hooked his finger.

Luo Qiao was speechless.

She turned to look at him.

Ming Siran did not look at her. He spoke in fluent French, his voice deep and serious, but his long fingers were gently scratching her palm.

Luo Qiao,"hehe."

Although he didn't turn on the camera, everyone else could hear her if she made any noise. Luo Qiao had no choice but to push him away and use her eyes to signal him to let go.

However, Ming Siran did not let her go. He glanced at her while he was in the middle of the meeting, and with his free hand, he pulled a chair over and motioned for her to sit down.


She couldn't pry his hand away, so Luo Qiao mouthed to him, " "I'm going to Shout!"

Ming Siran looked at her with a pair of lazy peach eyes and a smile on his thin lips, as if he could not wait to see her.

Luo Qiao,"hehe."

She sat down on the chair gloomily, but before she could sit properly, he pulled the chair over and Luo Qiao almost fell into his arms. At a very close distance, he held her shoulders and breathed into her ears, saying in a voice so soft that she could barely hear, " "Be good, okay?"

Half of Luo Qiao's face was burning hot from his breath as she looked up and glared at him.

He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at her for a few seconds. Suddenly, he leaned over and kissed the corner of her eye.

Luo Qiao immediately reached out to pinch him.

The person on the other end of the conference call asked a question. With a smile on his face, Ming Siran grabbed her mischievous hand and answered in an orderly manner in his calm voice.

Shameless, shameless, how could this beast be so shameless!

Luo Qiao really wanted to say something to interrupt this remote meeting, but she was not as thick-skinned as him.

After glaring at him for a while, Ming Siran's hand slowly slid down, and their fingers intertwined.


Luo Qiao turned her face away and pursed her lips.

After answering the question, Ming Siran lowered his gaze and began to kiss her fingertips. Luo Qiao trembled uncontrollably at his touch. She wanted to pull away but he stopped her.

The man's eyelashes were very long, and the way he kissed her fingers was quiet and pious.

Luo Qiao felt her strength being sapped away bit by bit. She bit her lip and looked away in embarrassment.

His fingertips, fingers, and wrists were all too light, like the feathering of feathers. In the end, Luo Qiao's neck started to turn red, and he finally stopped the torture.

The meeting was still ongoing, but Luo Qiao could no longer hear what Ming Siran was saying. She sat there, like a thoroughly red tomato.

Seeing her like this, Ming Siran's peach blossom-shaped eyes hid a smile. He shook her hand gently, signaling her to come closer to him.


Luo Qiao ignored him.

The meeting would probably last for a long time. After a while, Ming Siran was clearly engrossed in his work. When he saw Luo Qiao sitting there with a withered face, he let go of her hand. The man, who had had enough of taking advantage of her, indicated that she could leave.

Luo Qiao,"hehe."

She got up and walked to the door. When she turned around and saw Ming Siran staring at the computer screen, she suddenly felt anxious.