Chapter 114 liar

Tina's lips turned white. She saw the mobile phone on the shelf that was broadcasting live from the corner of her eye and immediately reached out to turn it off.

The bullet comments were:

What was going on? What had happened?

After that, Tina did not do a live broadcast for a few days in a row. The netizens were getting more and more confused. What was going on?

On the fourth day, a netizen with the name 'September day' posted several Weibo posts in a row, scolding Tina.

[September Tiantian: if you can't afford to play the lottery, then don't learn from sister Qiao and do the lottery, okay?] @ Tina

September Tiantian thought,"I won't let you play with me after I draw the prize." @ Tina

September Tiantian thought,"are you f * cking kidding me? are you kidding me?" If you can't do it, then why are you acting tough in front of me?

As Tina was going to give Luo Qiao a villa by the sea as a gift, and with Luo Qiao's popularity, this phrase had been on the hot search for a few days. On the day Tina had won the prize, September Tiantian's Weibo ID had also made it to the hot search, and was followed by many people as a koi fish. The netizens were waiting for her to post a photo of the villa by the sea, and they did not expect to see these Weibo posts all of a sudden.

Everyone was instantly dumbfounded.

What was going on?

[ what does the blogger mean? Tina didn't give you a villa? [ she's a liar? ]

[ don't call me a liar before you're clear about the matter. Tina, you're the daughter of a rich family. Do you have to lie? ]

[ does the blogger have any evidence? [ if you have it, then go. Don't spout nonsense here. ]

Seeing that the comments under the Weibo post were full of doubts, September immediately posted a screenshot of the private chat with the staff Tina sent.

In the private message, the staff member apologized and said that he couldn't give her the villa for various reasons, but if she was willing, he could give her a set of high-end skin care products as compensation. She didn't suffer any loss and advised her to quit while she was ahead. In addition, he warned her at the end that if she dared to release this chat record, he would take legal action. The meaning of his words was to shut her up.

The netizens were instantly shocked.

[ f * ck, what's going on? ] Is it really a lie? ]

[ she played so big and everyone knew about it, but they won the prize and didn't give it to her? [ are you kidding me? ]

[ Luo Qiao gave out the prize on the second day after the fan drew it. She was so fast, but how could the netizens compare Tina and sister Qiao? ] [ is she worthy? ]

[ I'm shocked. There's actually such an operation. Earning a wave of popularity but not giving out any prizes. Hahahaha, awesome, awesome. ]

September Tiantian: " I was so happy that I couldn't sleep the whole night when I found out that I won the seaside villa. I know I got it for nothing, but isn't that what the lottery is all about? " If he couldn't keep his promise, why did he have to play the lottery to cheat everyone's feelings? I didn't want to scold her at first, but I was really angered by the staff she sent. Exchanging a seaside villa for 2000 Yuan skin care products, only she could think of that!

With the evidence and the fact that Tina had not been live streaming for the past few days, the netizens gradually believed it. On the same day, the phrase #Tina cheated during the lucky draw #became a hot search. The netizens who had been cheated by her started to criticize her angrily, and Tina's Weibo followers began to drop.

At this moment, someone in the know suddenly revealed.

[ entertainment gossip V: the reason why Tina didn't give away a house is that her family's real estate company has been acquired by someone. Her father doesn't have any control over the company at all now. She would be crazy to give away a house that's worth tens of millions. ]

??The company had been acquired?

Who was being mocked?

At this moment, a name suddenly flashed across the minds of the netizens, and they instantly got goosebumps!