Chapter 127 talk

Taking out the perfume from her bag, Luo Qiao opened the cap and sprayed it on her wrist, sniffing it.

The faint smell of grass and wood was not bad.

She sprayed it on her body a few more times and went back to her room while humming a song.

After closing the door, she called 089 over and went to bed.

At 11:30, Luo Qiao started to feel a little hot.

She turned over and kicked the blanket away in frustration.

However, the heat did not get any relief. As time passed, it became more and more intense and began to rush to his head.

Sensing that Luo Qiao had been turning around, 089 asked, " "Master, are you suffering from insomnia? Do you need me to sing you a lullaby?"

Luo Qiao ignored it. Five minutes later, she suddenly sat up in bed and turned on the lights.

Under the sudden light, the woman's face was slightly red, her eyes were misty, and she looked unconscious.

"Master, are you suffering from insomnia?"

Luo Qiao licked her lips and suddenly reached out to take the little robot into her arms. She then planted a kiss on his 'little face'.

"My 089, you are the cutest baby in the world!"


Its program took a while to react before it replied in a baby voice, " "Master is also the most adorable master in the world."

Luo Qiao held it in her arms for a while before getting out of bed.

She seemed to be drunk. She took her phone from the table with unsteady steps, then walked toward the study with her hands on the wall.

"Master, is there anything I can help you with?" 089 followed behind her.

Luo Qiao turned around and shushed it, " "Don't argue, I want to go find my brother Siran."


Its program understood what she meant and obediently stayed where it was.

Luo Qiao followed the light to the door of the study and knocked on it.

Ming Siran looked at the information in his hand and said, " go in.

The next second, the door to the study was pushed open.

Ming Siran waited for two seconds. Seeing that no one was speaking, he lifted his head from his documents. Under the light, Luo Qiao's fair and delicate face stood there, looking at him.

"What's the matter?" he raised his eyebrows.

The man had good looks. The lines of his face were smooth, and his eyebrows were warm and handsome. He was good-looking no matter how you looked at him.

Luo Qiao smacked her lips and walked towards him.

Ming Siran's eyes were a little confused. As he watched her walk over, he put down the pen in his hand, loosened his tie, and laughed lazily."Are you here to talk to your brother?"

However, the next second, he stopped talking.

The woman leaned forward across the table, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

In an instant, Ming Siran's heart tightened.

After kissing him, Luo Qiao pressed her cheek against his and replied in a low voice, " "En!"

Ming Siran's slender body tensed up, and his fair fingers curled up slightly. After a long while, he finally reacted and raised his eyes to look at her.

Luo Qiao lowered her eyes and met his gaze. She smiled and kissed his eyelids.

Ming Siran closed his eyes, his eyelashes fluttering.

After she finished kissing him, his Adam's apple bobbed and he said in a hoarse voice, " "Did you drink?"

"No," Luo Qiao rubbed her face against his.

Ming Siran did not smell any alcohol either. There was only a faint scent of perfume on her.

Perfume Qianqian

At that moment, it was unclear whether the emotion was regret or something else. Ming Siran lowered his eyes, his long fingers caressing her soft hair, and asked softly with a smile, " "Did an Dai give you perfume? Hmm?"

An Dai's family had been mixing fragrances for generations, so it was too easy to make this kind of thing.