You're amazing

It was as if she was the one doing it. She was frightened and even grabbed his shirt sleeve when she was in danger. She whispered, " "Slow down, walk slower, someone is going to kill you."

Ming Siran's eyes followed her fingers that were tugging on his sleeve to the side of her face. His lips curled up, and when his gaze returned to the screen, he looked a little more serious.

Luo Qiao didn't know what Ming Siran was playing at. When the word " victory " appeared on the screen, she was still a little dazed. When she came back to her senses, she immediately threw herself at him in surprise and hugged him."Ah, ah, ah, you're so amazing! We've won!"

Being hugged, Ming Siran lowered his eyes to look at her, his eyes filled with a smile.

Luo Qiao only realized what she had done after hugging him for a while.


She suddenly straightened her body.


Meeting Ming Siran's eyes, he said slowly, " "How many times have you taken advantage of me?"

"Zhenzhen," Luo Qiao said dryly,"you have the nerve to criticize me?"

"You're right, I'm the one who took advantage of you more." He slowly leaned over and chuckled in her ear with his pleasant voice. "Then I'll let you take it back now, okay?"

"Yingluo," she should not have answered him!


Almighty K was well known in the e-sports circle for his skills, high awareness, and the majority of his fans were male. This time, his game with Luo Qiao had made it to the hot search, and his deep male God voice had attracted a lot of female fans in an instant, and gifts were flying in the live stream room.

However, not long after, another team's player, Cai Chen, suddenly posted on Weibo:

Some people couldn't go on the field now, but they were on the hot search quite often. Were you having fun with the noob female stars?

When she saw his last sentence ...

The netizens were speechless.

Cai Chen was the Ace player of team celestial. He had just returned from a competition abroad two days ago and had brought back a trophy. He was handsome and had good skills. He had many female fans and was currently gaining momentum.

It was obvious who he was mocking. The only esports player on the hot search these two days was K-God Han Jin.

However, everyone's focus was on his last sentence.

May I ask if the noob female star you're talking about is our Father Luo?

Do you not want to stay in the industry anymore after saying this?

[sister Qiao, someone is saying you're a noob @ Luo Qiao]

[do you want to tear it up? [@ sister Qiao]

[my sister Qiao is just playing a game. Who did she offend? Also, our sister Qiao is the female president, okay?]

The pretty fans were very dissatisfied, but this time, before the pretty fans could tear it apart, Han Jin's fans couldn't hold back.

[ this f * cking jealousy is overflowing from the screen. Almighty K only appeared on the hot search twice and made some people jealous. What? are you afraid that Almighty K will snatch away your female fan? ]

[ you think you're worthy of being compared to Almighty K? ]

Seeing Cai Chen say such things about the person he admired, Han Yu's fans were furious. The way the straight men were unhappy was to directly scold him, and in an even more hurtful way. Cai Chen's comments section was suddenly in a mess.

However, Cai Chen had a lot more female fans.

They couldn't tolerate the person they liked being bullied like this. They immediately fought back, and they even went to Han Jin's live stream.

[ can't you hear the truth at all? Which part of Cai God's words were false? [ you're a piece of trash now! ]

[ Team P has already gone abroad to win the championship, while Team K.M has not even made it into the top eight in the country. Hehe, isn't it embarrassing to maintain their popularity on the hot search? ]

[ snatching away a female fan? Are you dreaming? Male God voice? I'm dying of laughter. If he was really handsome, why didn't he show his face? [ don't forget that many people with good voices are hard to describe in a few words! ]