
Mike walked away from his table. He walked straight to the large screen and watched the simulator that was playing on and on again. It is a simulator on how the Earth's core will affect the chain reaction of the world getting destroyed. He is going to present the simulation when he is going to announce to the world the devastating news.

When Mike came to his lab last night, he has keyed in the latest data obtained from the seismogram, and he used it to run his algorithm calculations using the new data. He suddenly got an idea to make a relationship out of the occurrence of the recent earthquakes, the volcanic eruption in Hawaii, and the signs given out, that the other volcanoes all around the world are going to erupt soon. He finds out that everything is pointing to one direction, and he needs to prove that his theory is correct.

The findings from his calculation was devastating. All of this is some kind of chain reaction, that if this is happening, the Earth's population will be wiped out entirely. Survival will be tough, and an almost impossible thing to do.

The Earth's core which is on the innermost layer of the Earth controlled all the movement of the molten iron within the Earth. If the Earth's core cooled down a bit, or if the liquids inside it stopped rotating, the electromagnetism around the Earth would stop functioning, disrupting many animals that rely on the poles of magnets forcing it to be unable to move and die. Birds would not migrate when the season changed.

Without the protection of the electromagnetism that is generated from the Earth's core, the Sun's flare will enter the Earth's atmosphere without any interruption and it will fry everything on Earth like a microwave. That is how scary it is if there is even a tiny change to occur on the Earth's core.

Right now, what Mike has discovered is that the Earth's core was experiencing a change of density, which means that Earth's core is cooling down, thus, making the molten liquid iron to harden. This change of density causes a great pressure tension from within. The only connection this molten liquid has to the outer crust of the Earth is from the magma chambers. They need to find ways to release the pressure so that the pressure inside the Earth will be reduced. If there are no ways to reduce the pressure, the Earth will explode, self-destructing from within. Luckily it is not going to happen, as geysers and volcanoes are there to channel pressure away.

Mike could not predict just how much the pressure that the Earth is sustaining now, but all he can be sure, is that, the pressure is so great, that multiples super-volcano was showing signs that it is going to erupt. The first sign, that the Earth's core is showing that it cannot withstand the pressure any longer, is from Jeff's data of the Pacific plate and North America plate was showing movements, outside of their pattern, and the slippage between the two plates only means that something somewhere went wrong.

If the algorithm that Mike calculations used is correct, he can only predict that, once the pressure inside the Earth's core is so high, the molten liquid iron would be released from every chamber as magmas, a huge scale of volcanic eruptions all around the world. But, before that, the first sign the Earth will let out as a warning, would be waves of earthquakes all around the world, that the Magnitude of the quake is so great, that the world has never experienced before.

Then the volcanoes all around the world will erupt, releasing all of the pressure inside the Earth's core. It is not known whether it will erupt one by one, or all at the same time, but once every volcano in the world has erupted, there will be no way out.

Thousands of people will die, and more will die from the collapse of buildings from the weight of the ashes. The clouds will be covered with thick smoke, blocking the sunlight covering large areas and will make the Earth experiencing Volcanic Winter.


"Hello, Jason, I have something to tell you about. Can we meet in person?" Mike has decided. He will let this news known to other people. So that they can get ready.

"Yeah sure. I will be in San Francisco for a few more hours before I fly to Alaska. You can come over if you want..." Jason has decided, he will bring Jason along if he wanted to.

"Okay, I will be there. Umm, Jason, are you going to stay inside the bunker after this? Can I, can I, go with you guys?" Jason was surprised by Mike's sudden request. Mike actually has a studio reserved under his name, but he was not aware of it.

"Hey, that would be great! You actually have your own studio reserved for you in the bunker. You are one of our VIPs you know." Jason laughed soflty.

"Yeah, okay. Then, I should say goodbye to all the people around me... Who knows, when will get to see them again... Jason, if you want to say goodbye, you better do it now... The thing that I am about to tell you, its-its regarding this matter." Mike finally speaks up what he wants to say.

"Wha-what? Hey, Mike, what are you talking about? You said that we should take cover only from the Fault collapsing. What's with the goodbye?" Jason was puzzled when he heard Mike's word.

"I'll tell you more about this when we met." Mike quickly hung up the phone after he talked to Jason.


It will be devastating news for all. It will not be pleasant to hear that they all, are going to die. Plus, the world probably would not be the same anymore after they came out of the bunker. It would be probably that they are the only living person that survives the catastrophe. Mike planned to do a broadcast to explain the world about it.

There will be chaos, and people would be panicked. Mike was aware bout all of this, but if he can get the people to say goodbye to their loved ones, and the people got to do everything they want for the last time, it would be worth it. It would be selfish of him if he knew that the world is coming to an end but kept it a secret.