Chapter 24

Teeth sunk into the flesh of her wrist the moment she appeared in Himiko's room. Kuriko hardly reacted to the pain and just sat on the floor and let the girl calm her hunger. She bit her instead of waiting for her to open a wound, Kuriko noted the obvious. Doing such a thing meant she was really craving blood around this time around. That added to her research. Himiko lasted four days without her blood completely. It seemed to be the longest she could go before her lust for blood takes over her mind. Her pupils were dilated slits, which is something common when she gets near blood in the first place. Kuriko was starting to see her as more of a vampire than anything else. She craved her blood despite her blood not being very beneficial to her. She could not transform into her in anyway despite the amount of blood she gets from her. It was unprofitable. And yet she seemed to refuse anyone else's blood. Kuriko didn't know if her wanting her blood alone is good or bad. She would need to ingest the blood of others for her quirk at some point. At the moment it was not needed so maybe she should just let her enjoy her blood?

She was still interesting to observe despite the two weeks she's come to know her better. Her quirk is something Kuriko was trying to understand better. She still wasn't sure if her vampirism came as a side effect of her quirk or the years she spent burrying her bloodlust. It could be either of them. It seemed to her as if her craving was trying to make up for all the years she tried to suppress it. It does make sense, but she wasn't sure.

She pulled her wrist away from her at some point. She observed the bite marks, ignoring the unsatisfied whine the other let out for the time being. She then looked at her, finding pleading eyes. She sighed and offered her wrist again.

What was she supposed to do with the blonde? She let her do what she wanted because what she wanted was to be herself. She couldn't deny her that despite everything. She really didn't know how friendships works and although she kept telling herself that they were not friends she was starting to realize how big of a lie that was. She didn't like that realization one bit. She didn't need friends. She told herself that for years and now she felt like this vampire of a girl was her friend. All she was trying to do was study her so she agreed to a friendship just to keep her close enough for observation. She got too involved apparently.

Why was she seeing this girl as a friend anyway?

She bit the inside of her cheek in annoyance with herself. They had more in common than she would let believe and she's annoyed at the fact that she actually became her friend.

She was so deep in thought about her realization that she hardly noticed when Himiko stopped until she bit her finger to get her attention. She looked at her with tilted head, asking what was wrong. Kuriko didn't respond in any form and just healed her wound. Once gone she procceded to roll her sleeve down, only for Himiko to abruptly stop her and push her sleeve higher up her arm. Kuriko glared and forced it back down.

"So close" Himiko giggled. She almost caught a glimpse of one of her scars. If only she would let her roll her sleeve up just a bit more.

Kuriko flicked Himiko on the forehead, making her reel back in pain. She looked like a wounded puppy and Kuriko showed no sign of pity.

"You're so mean to me"

That's because she's so annoying at times. It was like dealing with a child sometimes. Kuriko stared at her open window. It's time for her to go. She already helped Himiko out there was no more need for her.


Said girl looked away from the window at the sound of her name. She raised an eyebrow , indicating that she was listening.

"I'll go to UA too"

Kuriko was instantly cursing her honesty. She never should've told the blonde where she was going to attend high school. She should've known she would want to follow her. Why didn't she think of that before answering her question that day. She was going to be stuck with her. That makes four people she would know at the damn school.

"You don't want me to go" Himiko had gotten used to Kuriko enough to read her a little. She could tell that the girl didn't seem to like the idea. She expected that, but it's still disappointing. She really didn't know how she would make it without Kuriko. At least not Now. Not after she started being herself. If there was no Kuriko she couldn't be Himiko and not being Himiko doesn't make her feel very good. It's a shallow feeling she's gotten used to, but now that she was allowed to be herself she didn't want that feeling to return.

It was very lonely.

Himiko sighed and looked to her little clock. She frowned as she did. Was it that time already?

Kuriko noticed her quick change and followed her gaze to the clock. Why did the time suddenly matter?

"Quirk counseling" Himiko muttered.

Ah, quirk counseling. This was suggested to Nozomi at some point in her life and she actually went with it. The first day was her very last. Kuriko remembered her session with her counselor. Her quirk was explained as best it could. Back then she had but the one or two. She didn't like what the counselor was saying to her. He was trying to tell her to repress her quirk simply because of what it was and what society would think of it. Her quirk was demonized from the very beginning. She understood then and there what quirk counseling was for or more specifically, who it was for

Kuriko made some quick gestures that Himiko grew to understand

"My parents have been making me go since I was a kid"

Kuriko furrowed her brows and made some more gestures, a question.

She asked her what her parents thought about her quirk and about her in general.

Himiko didn't need to respond because Kuriko read her emotions as easily as that. So that's how it is. It explains a lot more now. Even her parents are disgusted with her quirk and with her in general. She knew that they pressured her into being normal, but she now realized that it was far worse than that.

Her own parents basically called her a freak and shipped her off to Quirk counselling. They wanted her to be "normal", something which would involve suppressing or ignoring her Quirk, since her Quirk was deemed "abnormal". But it's part of her, so of course it's going to feel normal to her. Rejecting Himiko's Quirk essentially boils down to rejecting her as a whole.

And even though she listened to them and did as told. Even though she suppressed her quirk. Even after she hid behind her mask they still could not accept her.

And there it was. The unfairness of the world. The cruelty she was so aware of and kept seeing and thinking about. Her own parents don't love her. She's never had trust. She's never had someone to be there for her and support her. She never had someone like that. Kuriko realized that that is why she clung to her so desperately , because she did all those things even if she wasn't aware of it.

Not having what most people have hurts. It hurts very badly and Kuriko would know.

Himiko just needed someone.

She sighed.

She was angry now.

She reached out and patted the blonde on the head. It was her form of comfort. She didn't do this often but she felt like she needed to. She understood better now and she knew just how much it hurt. She was still lucky enough to have a loving family. Himiko wasn't.

She'll help her.

She smiled slightly and encourage the girl to follow her. She couldn't abandon her now. She was going to UA and if Himiko wants to tag along she can.

Things have changed. Kuriko wasnt sure how she felt about it, but Himiko was her friend. And having observed the friendship between Nemuri and Nozomi it seemed that it was natural to protect a friend.

So she'll have to protect her then?


When she returned home the usual meeting was taking place. As per usual she ignored them all and retrieved her stored bowl of ice cream. She was deep in thought as she sucked the ice cream off her spoon. She concludend that Himiko's mental health issues are caused by her parents. They went about her entirely wrong and actually drove her to a no return point that was avoided simply because of her. If she had never taken interest in her things would have gone differently. She would've most likely followed the path everyone set out for her because of her quirk. So, a bullet was dodged. Now that she knew a bit more than she originally did it was obvious enough that remaining with her parents was doing damage to her as a person

So she needed to get her away from her parents

Nozomi was surprised to find Kuriko asking about UA. She asked whether or not they had dorms. Nozomi didn't know so she looked to Nemuri for the answer.

"Yeah they do, but they're not open for reasons I don't care enough about to find out" Nemuri stated honestly.

Kuriko didn't seem satisfied with the answer and decided another plan was in store. She could go talk to that despicable creature that was somehow the principal of that school. She didn't like him. Or maybe things could be settled legally.

Just as she thought that Natsumi sighed in frustration

"What's up? "

"The law" Natsumi sighed. "The Todoroki family"

"What about them"

"Eren Todoroki, twin sister to the famous endeavor wants to take in the Todoroki kids" Natsumi informed as she scribbled something down on her documents "When I found out about this I was more than happy to take on the case, because I have met the number two hero and what I found out was infuriating"

"What did you find out? "Hiro asked in curiousoty. Haru had a similar look of interest on his face.

"Enji Todoroki is an abusive father and husband who married his wife solely to breed the "perfect child" or whatever he wants to say about it"

"Quirk marriage" Haru muttered. "I'm going to assume he married a woman with an ice quirk. It would explain the perfect child thing because he was successful in his horrendous plan he would produce a child with both fire and ice quirk"

"My son is a genius" Hiro beamed with pride.

"It was simple enough, dad"

"Haru is right"Natsumi flipped through some documents.

"Did he succeed? "Noriko asked, looking concerned.

"Yes, his youngest son, Shoto Todoroki. He has a quirk that is simply dubbed half hot half cold" Natsumi frowned at the statement.

"How many children does he have in total? "

"Four" Natsu said. "One apparently went off to college or something, the eldest of them"

Nozomi sighed while Kuriko glared at nothing. Endeavor. She never liked him for many reasons. Finding out that he was such a power hungry bastard was little surprise. But finding out that he married solely to breed a perfect child pissed her off. If she ever met him no one was going to stop her from teaching him a well earned lesson. Natsumi better win this case and hand costudy over to the man's sister.

Apparently parents can be the coldest to their children. Loving them conditionally or not at all. Treating them like objects or demons when they did nothing to deserve such a thing. They didn't ask for any of it. They were just born into this unforgiven world and left to suffer. And no one would see it. No one knew of the pain because they were blinded.


She found herself hating the title even more. She sympathized and as much as she prided herself on not caring about the world she couldn't help but care. She cared because she knew what it was like. She knew how much it hurt. She knew how lonely it felt. She knew what it felt like to be broken. She knew what it felt like to be empty. She knew it all. She understood it all because she suffered too. She still does sometimes.

She didn't like to care because it only lead to more pain but in the end she was still human. And as a human she is a weak creature and had no control over her emotions.

She didn't see the need to save Izuku, but she did because she cared. She wanted to kill Katsuki but she didn't because she cared. She didn't want to be friends with Himiko, but she was because she cared.

She cared because she understood what it felt like to want to die. She cared because she knew how crushing guilt could be. She cared because she understood the loneliness of being castaway

She didn't want to, but she did.

She hated it, but she couldn't change it.

Nozomi looked to Kuriko in worry when she broke her spoon. The girl didn't seem aware of it until she tried to get some more ice cream. When she realized it she mouthed a curse word and left for the kitchen

"She curses a lot" Nemuri pointed out.

"It's not like anyone would hear the words" Haru said with a shrug.

"It's still not a very good thing" Noriko pointed out

"But again, no one would hear the words"

"Its still offending" Hiro told his son.

"Where did people even come up with these "bad words"? Who just said that shit was a bad word. Or damn. Or fu-" his mouth was clamped shut by his father who sighed. He had to admit he made a good point. Where did the words come from and why were they labeled as bad words?

"Kuriko, where did you go? "Nozomi asked once the girl returned, brandishing a new spoon.

Kuriko signed her answer, hesitating when it came to the sign that meant friend. She froze just before she could do it and stared at her hands for a while. She sill needed to come to terms with it. She realized it and kind of accepted it, but it was still new and odd for her and she didn't know how to feel about it.

She was still staring at her hands as she interlocked her index fingers. The gesture that meant friend. The one she never really used.

To say everyone was shocked at the admittance was an understatement.

"At a friend's house" Nozomi repeated just to make sure that Kuriko knew what she was implying.

The girl nodded a bit hesitantly and made the sign again.


"Wow, you admit to having a friend" Haru said. "I'm sure that wasn't very easy for you so I'm very proud little sis" he grinned brightly.

Kuriko stared at that grin of his. He was proud of her, huh?

Should she be proud of herself as well?