Chapter 3 - First Fight

Two giant cockroaches the size of basketballs were quickly crawly across the ground towards me.

I screamed as I hate cockroaches. I'm not scared of them but just thinking about those tiny dirty legs crawling on me grosses the hell out of me. And now two giant cockroaches are heading my way. My mind can only picture those two crawling all over me and that thought pushed me into action.

"Eat this!"

I threw the rock in my hand towards the cockroaches. I was not the athletic type in school but I was fit enough to have good grades in P.E. class.

The rock hits the head of cockroach and pushes it back a few steps.

"Bullseye! Have another!"

I quickly grabbed another rock from my pocket and threw it again. While walking backwards I kept this up as the cockroaches got closer and closer to me. Some hit while more missed.

"Argh dammit stay away!"

I threw a particularly big rock that I picked up to the cockroaches. It hit one right in the head again but this time the impact caused it to flip over on its back. It kept squirming and moving its legs around to try and get back up to no avail.

"Haha! Now for the other one."

I tried to get a rock to throw at the remaining cockroach but unfortunately my pocket was empty.


I cursed as the cockroach was only around 3 meters away from me. Bracing myself and building up my courage which I do when I rush to kill cockroaches with my slipper at home, I ran up to the cockroach and kick with my right leg with all the power I can muster.

"Please die!"

Words I never thought I would shout out loud at another living being flew out of my mouth as it just felt right to say it. The cockroach with half of its head caved in flew around 2 meters away from its starting position before slamming on a wall and landing on its backside. It started squirming like the other cockroach.


I looked around and picked up a relatively large but flat rock near me and threw in on top of the cockroach I just kicked. Then, while hoping that the splatter won't reach my shoes, I jumped onto the rock.


A nasty sensation of crunching and squishing was felt at my feet. I pointed my smartphone light downwards to see cockroach legs squirming underneath the rock I was stepping on. Sadly, some of its bodily fluids had gotten onto my shoes. I quickly jumped off the rock out of disgust.

"Urggg. So gross. I feel like barfing again."

Taking a deep breath to stop myself from retching whatever amount of breakfast I still might have left in my stomach I turned towards where the un-squished cockroach 'should' have been. I say 'should' because I didn't see it there.

"Oh god no."

Slightly panicking inside I moved my smartphone around to try and find it. But I found nothing.

"Oh come on it was just there! Where'd you go you little shit?!"

Suddenly I heard the dreaded noise. The noise you hear when a mosquito flies close to you ears. It was the cockroach flying a few meters in the air with all its glory.


I said before that I'm not scared of cockroaches. This is still true. However, I am FLYING cockroaches are terrifying as hell.

The cockroach swiftly flew towards me as if wanting to get revenge for its partner.

"Stay away!"

I start running away. But the cockroach was flying faster than my running speed. Terrified, just as it was about to land on my back…


I quickly turn around and swing my right arm. It hit the cockroach right on the side of its head which to my surprise flew cleanly off of what I think is its neck.

Unfortunately, inertia was a thing in this world and the body of the cockroach slammed onto me and knocked me onto my butt.


Sadly, I'm not as thick as my friend Danae or my classmate Fran so my boney ass hitting the ground hurt quite a bit. What's worse is that the headless body of the cockroach was now on my lap still squirming around. Quickly throwing it away I got up and brushed off some dirt and cockroach blood what was on my uniform. Seeing what seems to be some cockroach guts on my right arm I immediately brushed it off and said goodbye to the rest of my breakfast.

"I thought traveling to another world would start out more fun than this shit."

I say to myself as I try to let the events that just unfolded sink in. The adrenaline that was coursing in me was going away and I started to shake in disgust. I pointed the light towards where I threw the body and saw still squirming.

"... God dammit."

I let out a sigh as I looked for another flat rock to repeat what I did to the first cockroach. This time it was much easier. The feeling still grossed me out a bit but not as bad as the first. Beside I was sure that there was nothing left for me to throw up.

"Do cockroaches this size exist on Earth?... Probably not which means that the probability of this being another world has just increased."

Although I keep saying that I have been summoned into another world, a part of me still does not believe such an impossible situation to happen. But now, after seeing these bugs, a little expectation started to build up inside my mind.

'I want to shower so bad right now.'

Having been on the ground and throwing up a few times already and with the bug guts and juices on me, I start to miss home already.

'Hopefully this isn't a world where showers and soap don't exist yet.'

I look to my shoes and frown. Shaking my feet up and down one at a time to try and remove some of the bug residue, I start thinking about my Dad.

'If there's one thing I had to hate about going to another world it would be leaving my Dad behind.'

Since he refuses to go back into the dating scene after my Mom died, we are all the family that we have. For some reason I have never met any other relatives. Maybe it's because we moved to a different country while I was young and I don't remember them.


As I was thinking and cleaning my shoes, I heard a noise from behind me.

'Please don't be more cockroaches.'